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This just keeps pouring out of my brain wich is a very weird weird place. But here it is! Enjoy! _________________________________________________________________________________

Chapter Twelve ~ Worlds(Day 1)

I was petrified. Literally. My legs were like metal sticks. I coldn't do this. Now I was hyper ventilating. Paris was hugging me. My name was called and I had to go out on the ice. I had to. No I couldn't. I wasn't ready. Yes I was. No, I wasn't

"You're going to do fabulously, lover", Paris whispered in my ear.

I nodded stiffly and stepped out onto the ice. The crownd applauded and cheered. I could do this. I took another breath and found where I would be starting. I made my pose and let the ice consume me.

I tip-toed on the toe pick forward slightly like a pointe ballerina would and then glidded into the foot work. I could do this.


I finished and fell to my knees crying. I took a deep breath and stood with the tears streaming down my face. I had done good. I had skated without falling or tripping or stepping out of my jumps,

I saluted the judges and hopped off the ice nearly jumping into Galina,Paris' and Johnny's arms. We had made up and life was good. I had lied and said that we were joking about the Paris thing and he belived me Paris needed to tell him on his own.

At the end of the short I was in fifth. I was in the final warm up group. Awsome.


Paris and I were once again rooming and we were acting like little girls. We had music playing and champagne in glasses(I only had one and a mouthful I can't be wasted during competition!) and were dancing around like hell was coming.

When we were to tired to go any further we snuggled down in to bed.

"Congratulations Lover. You've done amazing", he said.

I smiled. "Thank you paris".

And I fell asleep smiling with my head tucked under his.

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