I Walk In On Some Thing I NEVER Wanted To See

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Hello Kittens! Eigth chapter is here! Sorry for the cliffy but it was nescary! XOXO! __________________________________________________________________________________

Chapter Nine ~ I Walk In On Some Thing I NEVER Wanted To See

Johnny's and Eric's room was a floor below mine. So I had to go find the elevator in my pajamas. They were long blue flannel pants and a tight fitting white tank top.

I slowly made my way down the hall to the elevators. I punched the button and waited for it to come up. Once it did I stepped inside and rode down one floor.

"Eight twenty-two....Eight twenty-three.....Eight twenty-four! In we go.".

I slid the key in and slowly opened it. "Johnny?", I called softly.

I heared a slight moan. My porcelin face paled. It wasn't one of pain. It was one of pleasure.

"Oh god!!!! Johnny!",Eric moaned loudly.

I quietly backed out the door and closed it gently. They didn't notice that I had even walked in on them. I shuddered and tried to wipe it away from my mind.

I didn't hear that. I didn't hear that..... I thought frantically,

I took a breath and knocked on the door loudly. I heard a groan but this time it was one of annoyance.

I waited there for a moment some shuffling accoured and then Johnny stuck his face out.

"What the  @#!*% are you-oh. Camille. Come on in". His tone softened when he realized it was me. I walked in.

"Johnny. I need to talk to you about something". I said quietly.

His eyes flashed concern. "Does Eric need to go?".

I nodded. Eric got up and walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

Johnny was going to turn on the light and I rembered that I had about a million bruises and no cover up. "NO!", I said quickly.

Johnny looked at me with a quizical look on hi face. "Why?".

"You know how sensitive my eyed are! I don't want to strain them.", I lied.

He nodded an apology."Sorry darling. I forget so easily. So whats wrong?".

I took a breath."Its Paris." I said.

"Whats wrong with him?".

"Hes been out of it latly and sad. I know why but he made me promise not to tell you and he'll kill me if he knew I was telling you this but....Johnny. Your best friend is in love with you.".

His face was shocked but then he laughed."Very funny Camille. Paris always had a good sense of humor".

"I'm not kidding!", I spat.

Shock was on his face again.

"Think about it", I said with spite.

I stood up, stalked twords the door and slammed it shut.

He thought I was kidding! I don't joke about that. Love is important. Its not to be made fun of.

I had made it into the elevator before he made it down there. I got off quickly and ran back to my room slammed the door shut, wich woke Paris and locked it so he couldn'y get in.

I flopped onto my bed wich Paris now sat up on.

"Camille?", he said. "Oh god, why are you crying? Its because I kissed you isn't it! I'm so sorry!!! I don't know what came over me! Don't tell Johnny! I'm SO sorry!", he blurted out.

I looked up at him tears flowing. "Paris. I'm sorry. I told him. But he thought I was kidding a-and he didn't belive me-".

Paris envoloped me in a hug. "What did he do?", he whispered.

I trembled in his grasp. "Your not mad? And he didn't belive me and I said i wasn't joking and then I ran away." I sobbed into his chest un able to control it. These tears have been held back since the first time I got beat up.

"I needed to tell him anyway. You were right", he said.

There was pounding on the door now. "Camille! Open the door this INSTANT!", Johnny yelled through the door.

"NO!",I shouted back.

"Paris! You better answer the door!".

Paris shrugged and said,"I'm not gunna make Camille do anything he doesn't want to do".

I blocked out the pounding and snuggled into Paris' arms.

After about ten minutes he had left but I was still crying.

"Camille, you can't be this upset about a fight. Whats really on your mind?", he whispered softly.

I shook my head.

"You can tell me, lover", he cooed in my ear.

My lips trembled. I tooked a deep breath and started at the very begging of this. Not when I started high school, oh no, he hit me before that. I'm going all the way back to when we were thirteen and curious. I went all the way the way back to when Ryan Evan Lysachek kissed me and then ripped my heart out.

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