I Crash at Paris' and do Something That Isn't Leagal

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Hey guys. I ill try to update my James story but this has just kept coming out some magical place in my brain and has got to go down. Here it is kittens! Comment pretty please!!! __________________________________________________________________________________

Chapter Eleven ~ I Crash At Paris' And Do Something That Isn't Legal

The flight home was misrible. I couldn't look at Johnny. It was horrible. I sat next to Paris the whole way and he held my hand, caressing me with his thumb. I could hear Patti, Dianne and Johnny whispering behind us. I gripped his hand more tightly.

We had decided on something. I was staying with Paris' until this whole thing was over. Johnny didn't know yet of course. I just wasn't going home. Tara will kill me. I did'nt give a @#!*% .

The rest of the flight home was boring and unevetful. I listened to mu ipod for a while and almost never let go of Paris' hand. He was my lifesaver.

At last the plane landed and we happily got off. We retrived our luggaged and Paris called a taxi for us. When Johnny gave me a look and motioned for me to come one I shook my head.

I think I saw his eye twitch.

He stalked straight over to us and look in his eye and a frown on his lips.

"Get the @#!*% in the car". He growled.

I shook my head again."I'm staying with Paris for the week. I will be by the house tomarrow to pick up my school stuff and diffrent clothes.".

His hand gripped my shoulder and he started to pull me forward. Then a hand was on top of his. I looked at Patti, her small delicate frame and gray hair. She was the only one who could even slightly control Johnny.

"John." She said. "Camille needs to do this, son.".

He hissed under his breath but nodded. I gleefuly hugged Patti. She always will understand. She then marched him and Dianne out the door.

At last the taxi arrived and i'm suprised that my steam roller trunk and Paris' Gucci suit case all fit in the trunk. We then started the drive to my home for the week.


I woke up cradled aganst Paris' naked chest. I was to scared to leave him. We hadn't done any thing. He had kissed my forehead good night but that was it. Paris' was thirty-nine and my best friend. I wouldn't do him!

He was already awake and stroking my hair. I sighed happily.

"Morning Lover", he cooed.

The las few hours came back and hit me.I let a tear slip out. He brushed it away.

"He doesn't matter lover. Hes not worth it."

I took a wavery breath and said,"He was my first love. And I still love him. Even though he and his cronies beat me up I just wanna kiss him and tell him how much he means to me".

"I understand. I made a huge mistake moving out when I was Johnnys roomate. We were like a married couple without the sex. But I wanted to make that true.", he said sadly.

I pulled back and looked at him. "Paris. We'll fix that. I promise.".


We had s good day of talking and homework. It seemed all good and wonderful and what not until about ten thirty. Paris had gone into the kitchen and returned with a few items. A large bottle of champagne and two glasses.

"Ummm, Paris? Why are there two glasses?", I asked.

"You my friend are about to get wasted for the first time",he happily announced.

"WHAT?! Paris i'm FIFTEEN! Thats would be under age drinking! Not to mention what that would do to my body and I have school tomarrow!And-".

He cut me off with a slight scowl."Fine. No wastedness. Just a glass".

He poured the red liquid into the glasses and held one out to me. I took it. He held his up into the air and said, "To lost loves and pain", he toasted.

"To lost loves", I said.

We tapped glasses and I took a sip. It was good. I took a big gulp and finished it. Paris held the bottle out. And I let him pour me more. I had one more glass after that and then drank a lot of watter after that. I needed to be slightly coherent at school and practice.

Paris and I slept in the same bed again, both having sevral fits of giggles before we made it to sleep.

Man I love being illeagal.

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