Galina and Viktor

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 Hey! i'm so sorry it's short, i'm working on the next one as you read this so please don't be mad.Love! Please fan. I'll fan you if you fan me! Thanks I am sorry about what I did to Camille in the last chapter but it had to be done. ________________________________________________________________________________

Chapter Five - Galina and Viktor

Galina is my skating coach. She coached Johnny before me. She has lead to figure skaters to Olympic victory. Oksana Baiul and Viktor Petrenko. Viktor is on my coaching staff. His wife Nina, Galinas daughter, does my choreography for show peices because she gets free reign on them. Other wise I find a new skating choreographer every year. This year we hired David Willson. He choreographed for my dad his last Olympic year.

Were flying out to Canada to see him. Unfourtunatly Johnny and Tara have to go to press confrences and someone hired him as a choreographer so he can't come. But my grandma Patti is coming, just to make sure I don't get into trouble. I don't blame them for worrying but honestly, i've gone to shows by myself. I can take care of myself.

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