U.S. Nationals(Day 2)

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Hey guys. Heres the rest of Camilles adventures at nationals! Well all but one part! MUHAHA! Cliff hanger. Comment, and vote please! And let me know what you think of the twist!__________________________________________________________________________________

Chapter Eight ~ U.S. Nationals(Day 2)

I was REALLY nervous now. I mean a first year senior in third after the short program? That is unheard of. And some of the looks from the older seniors weren't exactly helping.....

Again I had to sit through everyone skating before me except Steven. Who I so wasn't worrying about. He had next to no chance of pulling himself up any where near me. I think.

Too soon it was my turn. My costume was black pants, a black tank top, red gloves and bright red lipstick that really made my  face look white but looked amazing at the sametime.

I skated out to where I would be starting after my name was announced. I was on one knee,one hand over my heart, the other reachingout to the crowd and my head slightly tilted back. I took a deep breathe and then started the program.

~Commentators P.O.V.~

"Heres Camille Weir again. Hoping to make the podium his first year here. His free program is to Moonlight Sontana. Dramatic Peice. Perfect for Weir of course. Heres his first combination jump.....triple axel triple loop! Amazing landing! Weirs Father had always said that the loop was his least favorite jump but the way Camille is pulling that jump off I see no resemblance there. First spin. Flying camel....."

~Camilles P.O.V.~

I finished the program with a hand on my shoulder, head bent the same way and a tentative looking hand reaching out. The arena arrupted into applause. I made my salute to the judges and quickly found my way off the ice. Galina ushered me quickly to the kiss and cry. The score for the free was 122.73. The total was 217.7.

"OMYGOD!". I screamed,cried and laughed all at once.

I was crying. Galina was crying. I was in second on my first year here. I was going to nationals. I beat goosy and was in for @#!*% for it at school but I so didn't care.

Eric skated well enough to pull himself into fifth before Ryan. Good for him.

I stood on the podium with two,much older, skaters, as I bent forward to recive the silver medal and the boquet of flowers. I can't belive this is happening. I was selected for doping of course because I was in second but for some @#!*% reason the picked Ryan too. Probly 'cuz mongoose the first was the 2010 Olympic champion. My dads rightful spot.

The flood of questions of course were how I felt about being only 22 points behind this years national champion and keeping the rivarly alive. I answered with perfect timing and flair while Ryan struggled to stay afloat in the questions. I smiled even happier. I knew I was going to worlds. I knew I would place like sixth or seventh but I didn't care. I was just glad to go.


"Paris!", I whined. "You NEED to tell him!!!".

He frowned intensly and continued to read his fashion magazine. "I will tell-".

And suddenly his hand was on my mouth and his lips in my ear."I love him. You can't tell him." I felt wet aganst my cheek. God he was crying. "Paris, sugar", I said.

He pulled back. The position we were in was awkard. I was flat on my back and he was straddling my waist. I had my arms on his shoulders and his hands were on the bed around my head.

He started to lean in. I started to panic.

"P-Paris! What are you doing?". I asked frantically.

"Kissing you," He whispered.

And his lips were soft on mine. His cheeks wet with saltwater. I could do nothing. So I just let him kiss me. It was sweet and gental and not demanding at all. At last he pulled away and said, "I'm sorry,Camille". And he then rolled over and passed out next to me. I brushed hair from his face. I whispered "Sleep well, Paris. Your going to need it". And I set off to find Johnny and tell him off his bestfreinds secret. It was best for everybody. No matter what wrath Paris gave him, he would thank him in the end.

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