U.S. Nationals(day 1)

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Hey guys. It has been forever since I posted so I made sure this ones long and there is more on the way. I changed Johnnys boyfriends name because 'goosy and him had the same name so he is now Eric Jones. Yucky last name. Sorry if thats your last name, no offense. Enjoy, rate and comment! ________________________________________________________________________________

Chapter Seven ~ U.S. Nationals(day 1)

It was that time again. Nationals in January. My first one as a senior. I couldn't wait. But one thing hadn't changed. It was such a stressful place to be. Why? Because it is full of people I don't want to see. I wanted a medal. I really did. I knew it was impossible odds as a first year and so many other skaters but I was ready to try. Mainly I just wanted to place higher than stupid 'goosys'  @#!*% . And I was going to do it.

"Camille, ready to leave for the airport?", Johnny called.

"Yes, just a moment.", I replied. I finished aplying the make up to the newest set of bruses goosys goons had given me. I was losing alot of money on cocealer and foundation. I could leave the ones on my legs and most of my chest but other wise I had to cover everything else up.

I dashed down the stairs to find Paris with Patti, Dianne, Johnny and his boyfriend Eric. The pair were happily holding hands. And I noticed that Paris was having issues keeping his eyes of the couple.

oh. I thought. Poor Paris. He must like Johnny.

"Lets go!", I said. "Hey Paris! Wanna ride with me in the car?". I was hoping to distract him.

He looked at me and smiled a priceless gay boy smile. "Of course Camille."


Nationals this year were being held in Minnisota. Lovely state. But I didn't care about that. I was foucused beyond belief.

Dianne and Patti would be rooming togther and Johnny and Ryan. Johnny had said that I should stay with him and Ryan but I had two good arguments. Paris would be left all alone and I wouldn't want to be in the room when they got under the covers so I was rooming with Paris. He was quite happy honestly.


I walked down to the rink with Galina and Viktor. I was dressed in my costume for my short program. It was gray velvet from the waste down and clipped aroung my skates so they would match. My torso was covered in baby doll pink with sleves that went to my elboes and a half ruffle tutu on my left hip. My favorite part was the strectched beadazzled heart on my chest, and of course, pale pink lipstick. You should have seen Galinas reaction to this one.

The waiting for my turn went painfully slow. You have to see all the other skaters go before you. Ryan went before me. He scored and 82.68 for the short, As the second to last skater I was getting antsy. At last it was my turn. They called my name and I skated to where I would be startinging. I stood one foot pointed in front of the other,my hands clasped over my heart, head to the side. A thousand things went flying through my head at that moment. Every bruise, all the comments about Johnny, about my costume choices for the saeson. My love, my hate, my pain and my lust. As the music started and I started to move they all went away and I melted into the music.

~Commentators P.O.V.~

"This is Camille Weir folks. Yep you heard me right. Weir. Johnny Weirs fifteen year old son. His first year as a senior too. The rivarly has been passed onto the next generation for Evan Lysaceks son, Ryan has skated already."

"Heres his first jump, triple axel, tirple sow cow! Look at that Bob! If he keeps it up like this he could meadal."

"He deffinatly could, bill, heres his first spin. Great transition! He pulled out neatly,too. Heres his next jump a triple loop. Great landing, leg could have been higher however...."

~Camilles P.O.V.~

I ended the program with a hand over my heart and one reached out to the crowd. They screamed. I had skated perfect. Nearly perfect. I hurried off to find out my score for the short. Gallina welcomed me with a hug and ushered me to the bench for the scores.

They announced them. And I couldn't belive them. The final score was 94.97. My mouth dropped open. That put me in third after the short. And then I rembered that there was still one more skater. His name was Steven Jamel. And he skated ok. He placed seventh. Leaving me in third after the short. I was crying. Litterally crying. I hadn't done this good this season.

Ryan had placed sixth after the short and must have been steaming. I was the only first year in the top five. On the podium even. I just had to keep it togther and skated amazing tomarrow.


It was seven-forty five and I was lying on my back, head hanging off the side off of my bed staring at Paris who was reading Vouge oh his bed.

"Paris?",I asked.

"Hm?", was the reply.

"You like Johnny, don't you?".

That was greeted by scilence at first.

"Your crazy!," he said.

"But right.", I pointed out.

He huffed. "So what if I like him. What if I love him. It doesn't matter. He has Eric now. He doesn't need me anymore!". A tear escaped his eye.

"You should tel-".

"NO! And you won't either! Ok?", he interupted.

I nodded and turned the light off.

"Good night Paris." I yawned.

"Night Camille," he whispered.

I had to help this man.

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