Chapter 7: Confession

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Jake's POV

Its time now, for me to confess my feelings to Hailey. I can't hold my feelings for much longer, I have to tell Hailey how I feel. As I was walking down the hallway I see Drew and Zoey making fun of Hailey, I got mad so I run up to them and puts Hailey Behind me.

"Oh Jake C'mon" as Drew smugged.

"Can't you guys Just Leave Her Alone" as my voice sounds pissed and my face turns darks.

"Why would you protect her?, She a music FREAK" as Zoey exclaimed.

That time I got pissed so I slapped Zoey and Drew's Face, I grabbed Hailey's Hand and walks to class with her.

Hailey's POV

Jake Yet again saved me from his friends, as I was taking down notes. I notice Jake seems to be quiet and looking out of the window so I tapped on his shoulder to get his attention.

"Hey Jake you okay?" as I talked quietly.

"Y-yea I'm fine" as Jake muttered.

"What are you thinking?" I asked.

"O-oh it's something personal" as Jake laughed a bit.

"Oh okay" as I turned back and take down notes.

It was Lunch time and I was sitting down eating my lunch while my step brother and my friends are talking.

"I notice Jake seems to be nervous about something" as Milly exclaimed.

"True" as Sean seems curious.

"I wonder what could it be" as Luke was thinking.

"Who knows maybe he is in love" as Zander's voice became serious.

Could it be true. I want to know...

It was After School and I was about to grab my bag from my locker. As I was about to open my Locker a letter fell down on my locker, as I picked it up and read it. It told me to go to the music room, I was curious so I closed my locker and walks to the music room.

[3:55 PM]

Jake's POV

As I was waiting for Hailey to come, I was prepared with flowers. But I'm nervous that she might reject me, as I was thinking. I saw Hailey at the door.

"Jake?" as Hailey was seem shook.

I walked up to her and give her flowers.

"Thanks Jake" as Hailey smiled.

"Hailey there is something I need to tell you" as I looked at her nervous.

"What is it?" she asked.

"I love you Hailey. I love you from the day we met and as our friendship grew we became closer and I want to protect you and be with you" as my face turns red and I took her hand.

"I love you too, you dummy" as Hailey cried with Joy.

I hugged her and kissed her on the forehead.

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