Chapter 16: "Sacrificing"

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Jake's POV

As Me and the Others Meet up outside the school. We were all worried to what might happened to Hailey and Zander.

"I Can't Believe Drew did this" as Liam was mad.

"I am going to beat him up for hurting my friends" as Milly punched the tree.

"Soo Jake, Do you know where that place is?" as Sean asked.

"No but I think I know someone who knows that place very well" as Jake replied.

"Who?" as Luke looked confused.

"It's Stacy" as I looked at them.

"I guess there is no point in telling her" as Luke sighed.

"Liam, do you know where Stacy is?" as I asked.

"If I remember she is at school library to organize some books" as Liam scratches his head.

"Then let's go" as Milly grabbed my hand and runs inside the school.

Hailey's POV

I don't remember what happened a while ago. I was walking to school with Zander then all of a sudden I was knocked out, I woke up and see myself and zander chained up into a chair. I looked around the place to where I am then I realize that I'm at a warehouse, I looked at Zander and tries to wake him up.

"Zander Wake up" as I whispered to him.

"h-huh" as Zander woke up and looked at Hailey then looked around afterwards seeing himself and his step sister chained into a chair.

"Where are we and Why are we tied up!" as Zander was mad.

I tried to calm Zander down until we heard footsteps. We look to our side and we were shocked and mad that it was Drew, As Drew walked up to them he has a knife on his hand.

"Well, Well, Well look who just woke up" as Drew looked at them with an Evil smile.

"YOU KIDNAPPED US, I SWEAR I WILL-"as Zander was shouting at him. Drew slapped him

"Geez, will you ever shut up" as drew Glared at him.

"Don't You Dare touch my step brother" as I looked at drew mad as my tears runs down my face.

Drew looked at me and then walks up to me. He grabbed me by the neck. I couldn't breathe then Drew pulled out the knife and made cuts on my face, I screamed in pain then Drew let go off me.

"Have a nice night Hailey" as Drew laughed and walked away.

Zander was hugging me and he grabs his cloth to wipe the blood of Hailey's Face.

"Don't worry Hailey they will come for us" as zander keeps wiping my face.

Jake's POV

As We All Walk down the Hallway to go to the library, we saw Stacy in there. Me and Luke enter the Library and walked up to Stacy, she notice us walking up to her.

"Stacy I want to ask you something" as I looked at her.

"What can I help you with?" as Stacy asked and a bit confused.

"Do you know where this place is" as I showed her the message.

Stacy nodded so she told us where this place is. This is time for us to save them.

{Few Hours later}

We all arrived to the place where Drew has kept the hostages. Me, Milly, Sean and Luke goes inside while the others stay outside and calls the police. As we Got Inside we saw them.

"Jake you came for us" as Hailey was thrilled.

As I was running up to them to break the chain. I was stopped by Drew, I turned around.

"Well, well, well if it isn't Jake" as Drew giggled.

"And I see you brought your friends here" as Drew pulled out the knife.

"Drew leave them alone!" as I looked at him mad and pissed.

Drew didn't listen so he pushed me away.

Hailey's POV

As Jake was pushed away. Drew grabbed me by the neck and pulled out the knife.

"If I Can't Have you then I'll just kill her" as Drew laughed like a yandere.

"NOOO" as Jake Shouted.

Jake got up and runs up to them. I was scared so I closed my eyes, I heard the stabbed as I opened my eyes it was Jake who got stabbed. I was shocked and the others were shocked. Sean and Milly Pinned drew to the ground and throws the knife away from him, Luke got me and Zander untied. I ran up to Jake and pulled him closer.

"J-Jake" as I started to cry.

"I-I'm Glad that you are safe..." as Jake coughed.

I Hold Jakes hand crying.

"Please don't die on me....We need you...I need you" as I begged in tears.

"I'll be fi-"as Jake was saying his last words his eyes were closed.

"JAKE!!!!!" as Hailey screamed while crying.

The others looked away, Luke hugged Zander, I don't want Jake to die. I need him...

{5 minutes later}

Drew Got arrested and Jake got to the Hospital. The doctors are having a surgery on him. I'm scared to lose him... I wonder what will happened to him..

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