Chapter 17: "The News"

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Hailey's POV

It has been 3 weeks since Jake has been at the hospital and we haven't go any words from the doctors. The Band competition got cancelled cause of Drew being arrested and Jake at the hospital. I haven't sleep in weeks cause I miss Jake, The Music Club room has been quiet and all of us miss the Simp even Zander kinda miss him.

"Any news from the Doctor?" as Sean asked Luke.

"None, we still haven't got any calls from the doctor" as Luke reply.

"Everyone in the school is starting to gossiping about what happened" as Henry looked at the window of the door.

"There is nothing we can do, once it happens there is nothing we can do" as Zoey sighed.

"At least Miss Jones allow to extend the band competition" as Zander said.

"Is Hailey Doing Okay?" as Lia asked Zander.

"She is not doing okay, ever since Jake got stabbed she couldn't sleep or eat" as Zander looks at Hailey a bit worried and a bit upset.

"Hopefully The Doctor Contact us soon" as Milly was cleaning her guitar.

{Few Mintues Later}

As Me and Zander were walking down the hallway going outside the school, Luke and the others runs towards us.

"Hailey" As Luke shouted.

"What is is Luke?" as I looked at him.

"The Doctor said that Jake is Awake!" as Milly was excited.

"R-really" as I had tears in my eyes

"Yea!" as Sean smiled

I was happy and all of us hugged until..

"Uh guys something is up on the news" as Lia shows her phone to the others

We were shocked at the news.That....

"Drew...Escaped from Jail" as Zoey was shocked.

"We have to run to the hospital cause Jake is there, he might be after him!" as Milly said.

"Let's go" as Zander said.

"Wait we need to plan so we can capture drew" as I said while looking at them

"Whats your plan Hailey?" as Sean asked.

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