Chapter 13: Hailey's Enemy

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Jake's POV

It was a wonderful day at school and I was walking down the hallway with Luke and Sean. Were all talking until Drew came up to me, all of us seems to know what Drew is planning.

"Hi Jake" as Drew smiled.

"What do you want now Drew" as I had my arms crossed.

"I was wondering if you like to hang out with me at lunch time" as Drew looked at me and tries to hold my hand.

"No thanks, I rather hang out with my girlfriend and my friends" as I let go of Drew's hand.

As Me, Luke and Sean walked away from Drew. As I looked back he seems to be mad now, since me and Hailey are now a couple. Drew has always envy Hailey.

Hailey's POV

It was class time and I was writing down some notes until Drew threw paper airplanes and paper balls at me. It was annoying me but I ignored it, Zander was my seat mate and as I was looking at him. He seems to be mad at Drew, I knew he might snapped in a Second.

"Hailey, I had enough of Drew picking on you" as Zander whispered.

"Just ignored it Zander" as I stayed calmed.

As Drew was throwing more. Zander snapped so he raised his hand.

"Miss Jones, Drew has been throwing paper airplane and paper balls at Hailey!" as Zander's voice was very pissed.

"Drew, detention now" as Miss Jones pointed at the door.

"Tch." As Drew got up and walked out to class and head to detention.

A Few hours later...

It was after class and I was walking down the hallway to meet up with Jake, as I was walking down the hallway. Drew pushed me towards the lockers.

"Drew what is your problem!?!?!" as I shouted at him.

"You took everything from me. My love and my fame" as Drew looked at Hailey.

"You just had your first enemy" as Drew looked at Hailey and slapped her.

"You didn't heed my warnings but then you had to tell Jake" as Drew's face turns black.

"You're going to regret it soon..." as Drew let go of Hailey and walks away.

Jake's POV

As Me and The gang are waiting for Hailey we were thinking of where she could be.

"Hailey seems a bit late" as Milly exclaimed.

"I wonder where she could be" as Zander was in a deep thinking.

As we were wondering where she could be, Sean notice her coming up to us. Hailey waved at us and as we were about to wave we notice that she had a red mark on her cheek.

"HAILEY ARE YOU OKAY!?!?" as Milly seems shocked.

"Hailey who did this to you" as I put an ice pack on her cheek.

"Hailey tell us" as Zander has his arms crossed.

"It was Drew" as Hailey mumbled.

We were all shocked that Drew had gone this too Far. Me and Zander snapped and were mad at Drew. How could Drew do this to Hailey.

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