Chapter 11: Asking Hailey to Prom

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Jake's POV

As I looked at Hailey she seems to be scared about my friend Drew so I pulled her close and hugged her.

"Hailey, tell me what happened?" as I kissed her forehead and looked at her face.

"W-well I was walking down the hallway on my way to the cafeteria until I was stopped by Drew. He told me that I should break up with you and If I told this to you I'll be punished" as Hailey explained and starts crying.

I was shock and a bit mad at Drew. How could he do this to my future wife, I hold her face and kissed her.

"Princess, like I promised to you. I will protect you" as I smiled at her.

I wiped her tears and hugged her again.

Hailey's POV

It was the next day of school and I was reading a book until our history teacher told us something.

"Okay Class I have some exciting news" as the teacher said with a smile.

"What is it?" as one of the student asked.

"On Friday we will be having a Prom night for all high school students" as the teacher's voice was gleam with happiness.

All the students were excited but for me I am also excited and I wonder if I can asked Jake to prom.

[6:22 PM]

Jake's POV

It was lunch time and I was walking down the hallway to find Hailey, because I wanted to ask her to Prom and maybe asked her soon to be my girlfriend. As I was still walking, I was stopped by Drew.

"Hi Jake" as Drew smiled.

"What do you need Drew?" I asked.

"I was wondering if you want to go to prom with me on Friday" as Drew replied.

"Sorry Drew but I'm already asking someone" as I looked at him with my arms crossed.

I sighed a bit and looked at him.

"Drew, don't you even dare hurt Hailey" as I whispered in his ears and walked away.

As I walked away, Drew knew that Hailey must have told Jake about their conversation. I know that I have to protect Hailey from him.

Hailey's POV

It was after school and I was planning to walk home with Jake as I was looking for Jake, I saw him at the School Fountain. I wonder why he was there, I walked up to him.

"Hey Jake" as I smiled.

"Oh Hey Hailey" as Jake turned around and looked at me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I wanted to tell something" as Jake replied.

"What is it?" as I seem confused.

As I looked at him, Jake grabbed my hand and hold my waist. I blushed a lot as Jake winks at me.

"Will you go to prom with me princess?" as Jake asked.

"O-of course Jake I love to!" as I smiled and replied.

Jake kissed me and I kissed him back.

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