Chapter 3

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My alarm goes off quite a few times, I always put it on snooze till I finally wake up at around 10:30 am. Usually, I'm not really the type to sleep in but after last night I couldn't bring myself to get up early. My phone goes off another time. I grab it, still sleepy, and turn off my alarm. I check my phone for a little bit and watch TikToks for quite a long time.

At 11:30 I actually get up and walk straight into the bathroom. I get myself ready for the day and put on a comfortable outfit. After, I go down into the kitchen. When I'm right everyone else is on a mission. Since I'm alone I put on my music and start baking something for tomorrow. It probably sounds extremely stupid, but I normally bake my own birthday cake... I just like to be in control of my cake! This year my dad told me to make only a little something because he for once wanted to be allowed to get me a cake as well.

I start making little lemon cupcakes with Raspberry topping. My playlist starts playing my favourite songs and I dance through the whole kitchen. After finishing the cupcakes I take a little break before cleaning the kitchen. I haven't heard from anyone in hours and usually, I at least get a message if everything is ok.

** Are you guys alright? I haven't heard from any of you?**

I text my dad and Peter before I put my phone in my back pocket again. The kitchen looks like an absolute nightmare, but the cupcakes look like a dream. While cleaning up Justin Timberlake's 'SexyBack' comes on, and I start to sing and dance to it. "Dirty babe... You see the shackles baby, I'm your slave. I let you whip me if I misbehave. It's just that no one makes me feel this waaaay."

I sing from deep in my soul while I dance as if I'm completely out of my mind. I don't know why, but I could never ever dance like that in front of anyone... I always feel like I would get judged way too hard for it but as soon as I clean, and I'm alone I don't give a fuck.

The second chorus comes on, and I still sing my whole heart out. "Damn girl... for god's sake.! Please be a little bit quieter!" Bucky yells over my music.

I stop singing immediately and turn around to him. I cover my now red face, a bit embarrassed "Were you here the whole time?" I turn off my music and put the last few things away. "Yes, I was. Are you done now?"

He leans against the doorway and watches me. "Yes... I was just cleaning up. I thought I... uhm I was alone." I say still a little embarrassed. "Do you dance like that, when you are out with your friends?" I shake my head and sit down on the kitchen counter "No why?" He nods slowly and walks closer to me. I raise my eyebrow and watch every step of him. "That's good. You shouldn't... that's all."

Bucky opens the fridge right next to me and takes out a few leftovers from dinner. "Why shouldn't I?" I ask confused. "Men tend to be disgusting. Not all, of course, but I'm pretty sure you would attract the wrong type of guy with those moves." He shrugs and starts to make himself lunch.

I mean he isn't wrong but is he really in the position to tell me what and what not to do? I really don't think so. I get off the counter and get myself water "I know... that's why I'm only doing it when I'm completely alone." I chuckle a little bit to keep it all friendly. I think I haven't talked to him this normal since our first introduction. "I'm probably going to regret this, but are we cool with each other now?" I ask as I walk to the door.

"Don't worry, doll. I still don't like you. You are absolutely annoying. Steve just told me to be a little nicer." There he is again. His words literally slapped me across the face, since I actually thought we could start to get along better. I'm usually really good at hiding my emotions from everybody. Especially if I don't really know them, but Bucky managed to get right through my skin with his words.

"You know what?... just fuck off. You don't even know me." I stop walking and shake my head a little. "I know you enough to say that you are an entitled, bratty bitch who gets everything she wants from her dad," Bucky replies in an arrogant, confident tone. "You are an absolute asshole, you know that?" I say noticeably hurt.

I leave the kitchen without listening to another word he says. It's just a muffled voice in the back of my head. On my way to my room, I can already feel a few tears running down my cheeks. I really don't know why I am starting to tear up. I think it's a mixture of frustration, being mad and actual sadness and being a sensitive person doesn't really help either. It was all just way too much for me. I don't need to be liked by everyone. That's something I really don't care about, but I think Bucky has absolutely no reason for his opinion about me. I know that I get special treatment from the team, but I never asked for it! I never wanted to be a part of all this... all I wanted is to finally build a good, solid relationship with my dad. And here I am crying over a person who doesn't even know me. I decide to put on my favourite movie to calm my nerves and to distract me from any other thoughts about this dickhead.

I'm watching Nicholas Sparks 'The Notebook', completely cuddled into my bed and blankets. It's already ending, and I'm balling my eyes out as the door opens. "Hey, Nina! We... uhm... are you alright?" Peter asks as he gets in and sits down next to me on my bed. I nod not able to really speak. I just point at the TV and start crying even harder. "It's just so damn sad..." He lays down next to me, trying to fight his laughter "You know that this is just a movie, right?" I wipe some tears from my face and laugh a little "Yes of course I do... but still."

The movie finally ends, and he turns off the TV "Well, I wanted to say that we are back. Was everything, besides the movie, alright here?" I nearly forgot about my argument with Bucky at this point. "Kinda... next time please do me a favour and just take Bucky with you. Even if you guys don't need him" I try to avoid answering his question. "That sounds like you guys had fun again." He jokes probably to cheer me up a little. I do have to crack a smile and roll my eyes at him "Oh you have absolutely no idea." Peter gets up again "Well, I have to go home now. May is waiting for me. I'll see you tomorrow." I nod and get up as well "I come down with you. I haven't really eaten today."

As he is gone I walk into the kitchen where Wanda, Steve, Bucky and my dad talk about the mission. I greet them shortly and turn to the fridge. "Have you guys eaten already or are you hungry too?" "Oh hey, kid. We ate already because we thought you were asleep already." My dad explains. "Actually I-" Bucky starts, but I immediately cut him off "No. I wasn't talking to you." I say cold and take out a few things for a sandwich. Wanda and my dad look at me a bit shocked, while Steve gives Bucky a dirty look.

"What happened now?" My dad asks a bit annoyed. We already talked numerous times about my fights with Bucky and I always promised him that I'll try my best to stay nice. I clench my jaw as I look over at Bucky for a moment "Ask him. I don't want to talk about it." We keep eye contact for a few seconds before he looks over at my dad. "She just can't take the truth." He leaves right after. I roll my eyes and make finish making my sandwich. "It's fine but doesn't expect me to ever be nice to him again." I take my plate and walk over to my dad to give him a little kiss on his cheek "Good night, guys." I smile at Steve and Wanda before I leave the kitchen. They stay completely silent until I'm halfway up the stairs "We have to find a way to make them stop fighting. This isn't good for anyone in this house."

Stay with me, please. x Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now