Chapter 15

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My eyes are burning from the sudden bright light. I've sat here in the cold and dark for what feels like an eternity. No sound coming from behind the big metal door in front of me. I'm not sure if it's my nervosity and anxiety, but there is actually no sound at all.

How did I end up here? I'm not sure... one second I was in my room, recovering from my fight with Bucky, the next I sit in an empty room, tied to a chair. Whoever did this, isn't doing this for the first time. My wrists are twisted behind my back and held together with a rough rope. I try to get it to loosen up but it only hurts them.

"Look who finally decided to open their eyes," a male voice whispers behind me before touching my shoulder. A warm feeling instantly spreads through my whole body and my mind goes completely blank. I knew I would have to face my kidnapper, but I wasn't prepared for him to enter the room from behind me.

"Don't worry, darling. I just need you to get something from your daddy," the man says. I want to turn my head to look at him, but my body feels paralyzed. "W-what do you want?" I get out after a long silence.

"Your dad took something from me and you are the key to getting it back," he says while moving in front of me. It's a tall, black-haired man. He is wearing some sort of uniform, I think. Black leather and greenish details.

I get control over my body again and rip on the rope again and again and again. "Stop that! I'm not going to hurt you," he says annoyed and moves closer to me. I keep my head down while he grabs the silver necklace from around my neck. He takes a quick look at it before he lets out a devilish chuckle. "Bucky's girl, huh?" he asks as he starts walking through the room. "I thought Stark could be a little problem, but Bucky is definitely dumb enough to make a deal with me."

"I'm not helping you," I say with fear in my voice "and they won't help you either."

The man in front of me starts to chuckle again "Oh but you will, darling. You know, I change my mind a lot. The promise about not hurting you isn't going to be on the table for long." He gets closer to me again and bends down to me so his face is only centimetres away from mine "And believe me your little Midgardian life can be a whole lot worse!"

I open my eyes abruptly. I'm in my bed, covered in sweat. I look over to the side and see Bucky peacefully sleeping next to me. Ok, it was just a dream... everything is alright, I think to myself. I sit up and rub my face to get it out of my mind again. The whole thing felt so weirdly real. His touch and his face felt oddly familiar. I'm not sure where, but I think I've seen this face before.

"Hey...? Why aren't you sleeping?" Bucky whispers in his sleepy voice. The sound of Bucky moving around follows before he puts a hand on my shoulder. I twitch away, which makes Bucky even more concerned "What's wrong? Did I do something?"

"No, no I had a bad dream... the guy in it touched me there and it just felt weird. I'm sorry, Buck." I chuckle lightly and lean into his touch.

"A nightmare? Do you want to talk about it?" He chuckles and gives me a soft kiss on my temple.

"I actually don't know how to start. As I said it felt like it actually happened... he wanted something from me. I'm probably just overreacting."

Bucky gets up from the bed and walks over to my closet, he opens it and briefly looks over my clothes before he throws a sweatshirt and leggings onto my bed. "Get dressed. We are going on a walk."

"A walk?! It's 4 in the morning, Buck!" I laugh but grab the clothes and put them over my PJ. "I have to get up in 3 hours... to go to school."

"Don't worry about it. Just a little walk to clear your mind," he laughs at my reaction before giving me a quick kiss on the forehead and changing into warmer clothes as well. After a minute or two Bucky and I sneak out of my room and down the hall. We obviously don't want to wake anyone up, especially not my dad, but we can hear soft music from Natasha's room.

"Guess they couldn't sleep as well," Bucky laughs before we go into the escalator. His hands find my waist as he pulls me closer to his body. He leans against the wall of the small room and gently caresses my skin from under my shirt. "Would have been a great idea as well," he chuckles before kissing me.

"Too late, now we are already dressed," I laugh and pull away from him as the doors of the escalator open again.

"Alright, alright. Do you want to talk about your dream or just forget it?" He laughs as he follows me out. Bucky takes my hand in his and together we start walking around town. After about 30 minutes it starts to rain lightly.

"As I said, this whole dream felt weird. There was this man... I think I saw his face before but I'm not sure where. He wanted something from my dad and then he suddenly started talking about you. It sounds dumb now that I talk about it," I chuckle a tiny bit.

"Oh, doll," he smiles down at me "Don't worry. I'm here so you don't have to worry about someone kidnapping you, ok?"

"I'm not worried," I laugh and roll my eyes at him. "It was just a dream and I know it." I take the hood of his jacket and pull it deeper into his face "We should probably head back home. We are going to be sick if we keep walking."

"That would be a win-win, doll. We could stay in bed all day long and you wouldn't have to go to that stupid mission," he walks in front of me and blocks my way. "Wouldn't that be perfect?" He smirks and plays with a strain of my hair.

"I bet you would be like a little baby when you are sick," I bite my lips to hold back my laugh. "Whiny and annoying... wait can you even get sick?!"

"Oh, you are one to talk! I've seen you sick and poor Steve had to bring you soup and tea every five seconds," he counters before bending down to kiss me. "Now come on, school girl."

"Oh, shut it!"


Hey guys!
I have a little Christmas present for you.
Maybe you remember that I asked about my next story and what you would prefer.
The results are so close to each other that I decided to write the first chapter of both stories, the story with the most votes is going to be continued first.
Have fun and a merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates ❤️

Xoxo Nina

Stay with me, please. x Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now