Chapter 5

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I wake up to incredible pain in my head, probably the worse headache I ever had. My eyes are still closed but I would guess it's around noon since the room seems bright as hell. I turn around to hide my face from the sun and cuddle myself back into the pillows.

"Look who decided to finally wake up." A raspy, deep voice says right next to me. I open my eyes to look who's talking and back off immediately as I see him. 

"What are you doing here?!" I stare at him completely perplexed. "Oh come on. Don't act like you don't like me." He smirks down at me and starts to chuckle "and besides, I'm right where I should be. You on the other hand..."

My eyes wander across the room. How the heck did I end up in here? He's right, this is not my room. Most of the furniture is black or dark grey... the complete opposite of my room. God, please no. I can't remember shit about yesterday night. The last thing I remember is that I got tired and sat next to Thor... I look back at Bucky and just stare at him.

"Did... did we do anything?" I stutter as I feel the heat in my face. I probably look like a tomato at this point... god how embarrassing. I don't even want to know the answer if I'm being honest. I hide my face in my hands and pray to God that he answers with no. He chuckles again and puts his hand on my back, to comfort me I would guess.

"Relax. No, we didn't. You were sleeping and I originally planned on bringing you to your room. Peter and your friend... Sarah, I think, we're already in your room and I didn't want to let you alone. I'm impressed you didn't puke from all the stuff you drank." Bucky starts to explain to me.

"Sarah and Peter... do I have to change my bedsheets now?" I joke relieved that nothing else happened, but I'm actually quite serious about it. I mean they were pretty cosy yesterday and I know that Sarah gets really, really touchy when drunk. Oh god, I'll just throw my whole bed away. "Thank you... you would have been the last person I thought would help me." I add a little shyer and reserved. Let's face reality if I had to name the person who would least likely help me I would've named Bucky without hesitation.

"One-time thing. Don't get used to it. Now get going we have a mission tonight." He says and lays back in his bed with his eyes closed. I stretch again and get up "You don't want to get up?" I chuckle a little while walking towards the door. "Nope. I had enough training in the last few decades. I won't be the problem tonight."


"Yes, dad for the hundreds of times. I do what he says and I won't go anywhere without him..." I repeat for what actually could be the hundreds of times. Steve and my dad gave me another briefing on what and what not to do. Things I should focus on and how to act in an emergency. "Just so you remember, I didn't want to do this. You did. So please for the sake of god I have to get ready soon. Keep it short and simple from now on."

"Honey, I'm not scared. You are good, but you and the Manchurian Candidate don't get along really well. I just want to make sure that no matter what happens between you two, you are going to stay with him!"

"I think she understands, Tony." Steve chuckles in his chair. "Let her get ready or we are the reason why this mission also fails."

"Psst! Let the parent talk." He waves Steve off with a rude hand gesture. I give Steve an apologizing smile as he carries on to talk. "You'll be connected with us through an earpiece and we are able to see you, just in case something happens and we have to step in."

I just nod hoping he would finish the conversation now. "Ok, you can go now. You got a dress, right? Nat could have somethi-"

"Yes, Dad I have a dress." I cut him off and finally stand up to leave. "I'll be ready at six."

Stay with me, please. x Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now