Chapter 6

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Clint and Wanda got me home about two and a half hours ago. It's already 3 am and dad, Steve and Bucky are still on the mission. I'm standing on the balcony and trying to collect my thoughts. My dad said it isn't a big mission... so why does it take so long? We drove a maximum of 45 minutes to the destination. They should be back already. 

Did I do something wrong? Maybe they got caught because of me!

"Hey, you are still up?" Thor's voice tears me out of my thoughts. "Yes, I uhm I can't sleep. I want to see them walk through that door." I point at the elevator door. "I just want to make sure they are safe..."

"Don't worry. They'll be fine... probably walking through that door any minute. You should still get some sleep." He says while giving me a comforting hug. "They know what they are doing."

"I know. I know. I'm still going to stay here until they are back." I smile up at him. He brushes over my head before heading to the stairs again. "If you need anything I'm in my room."


It's been at least 30 minutes since Thor when up to his room. I changed my surroundings and now lay on the couch in the living room. Since I didn't get much sleep last night my eyes are working completely against my will. My eyelids feel heavy and from time to time I rest them for a few seconds.

Suddenly I hear the sound of the elevator arriving on the floor. All tiredness is gone and I jump to my feet as the elevator door opens and all three men walk in. I run over to my dad and give him a tight hug "Oh thank god. I was so worried for you all." I say relieved to see that they are all doing well.

"Hey, hey sweetheart. Not so tight." My dad chuckles and pats my head. "He might have a broken rib," Steve informs me and gently pulls me away from my dad. "It's probably nothing, honey." My dad adds as he sees my worried face.

"No, dad. You aren't some sort of immortal being! Should I wake up Bruce? You have to let him check it!" I ask hectically as he walks past me to grab a glass of whiskey. "No, I'll wake him up. You should go get some sleep." Bucky says as he takes off his suit jacket. "Bucky is right. You should get some rest." Steve adds as he sits down on the couch next to Tony. "Alright... but please wake me up if someth-"

"Yes, sweetheart. You'll be the first to know but I promise you that Capsicle is just overreacting." My dad cuts me off. "Ok, good night then. I'm glad you got home safe" I give them a little smile and look through the room until I find Bucky's eyes "...all of you."


"And you are sure that you are completely fine?" I say to my dad, while we make breakfast together. "Honey, if I'm telling you that I'm fine, I am fine." He answers getting a little annoyed with me. "Could you tell everyone to come downstairs? I can finish the rest on my own."

I nod and put the last few plates on the table before I start my tour through the compound. On the way to the rooms, I already ran into Natasha and Steve who definitely spend the night together. I laughed a little as they walked out of Steve's room and they immediately moved apart from each other.

"Hey Wanda, are you awake?" I ask knocking on her door. "Yes, you can come in." I hear her sleepy voice from behind the door. I stick my head in and chuckle a little as I see her cuddling with Vision. "Aww cute... well I just wanted to tell you that breakfast is ready," I inform her before leaving the two again.

After a good 10 minutes of waking everyone up and telling them to come into the dining room, I'm on my way as well. "Hey, did you finally get some sleep?" Bucky's voice appears behind me. I turn my head to him as we start walking together. "Good morning." I give him a little smile. "Yes, I did. Did you get some rest as well? I don't want to be rude, but you look exhausted."

Stay with me, please. x Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now