Chapter One Hundred-Forty-Six - Truth Or Dare?

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Author's note: first off tw for emetephobia and also blades. Second of all big thanks to LostGuard and SomniumFelix who helped me decide on some things for this chapter, especially Felix who also helped me with the entire finale. I can't even begin to express how grateful I am for your help!

Also I will probably be getting a one shot out sometime next week that explains the tunnels! I think that would be interesting!


The rain only grew worse as Thursday went on, making their Astronomy exam difficult. Professor Spring had to put an invisible dome over the Astronomy tower to prevent everyone from getting soaked, and they couldn't even look at the night sky to figure out locations to move the telescope to. Peter was crying after, since he usually found constellations based on how they looked, how was he supposed to know the numbers? Spring did say since it was an unfortunate rainstorm, he would be grading everyone accordingly, and would be lenient. That didn't really comfort Peter.

Then Remus stayed up till about three in the morning, falling asleep with his head on his book. It had been raining all that time, which meant when he woke up to James and Sirius complaining about the fact any celebrations for the exams would have to be inside, he wasn't very surprised.

"We can have fun inside," Peter suggested miserably. He was still depressed over the Astronomy exam.

"S'not the same thing," James grumbled, angrily tying his tie.

"Remember last year, with the lake?" Sirius asked with a grin.

Peter paled at that. "I'm never doing that again!"

"What, looking at girls wearing wet, white shirts?" Sirius teased.

Peter flung his tie at him. "Go in the lake, you dumb jarvey!"

Sirius took Peter's tie, putting it around his forehead. "Think Sluggy will take points off for this?" He gave a twirl before holding up a very James-esque peace sign.

"Yes," Remus said, which meant Sirius wore it down to breakfast and to Potions where Slughorn promptly took points off, demanding Sirius take it off. Since he said 'take that tie off' Sirius obliged by removing the one around his neck. After another minute of being yelled at, Sirius put his back on and removed the one from his head.

The Potion exam was a disaster for Remus, though really that was expected. The stench of everything made his head pound. He kept dropping things, and dropped the entire vial of leek juice into his potion. He quickly scooped it out but the damage had been done: his potion was black by the time they were done.

"Yeah, I failed that," he moaned as they left the classroom.

James put an arm around him. "Least we don't have to worry about anything else until after lunch."

Remus moaned, covering his face.

The general atmosphere in the castle was one of excitement as the day drew on. At one-fifty, as the Marauders headed to History, they were almost run down by a herd of first year Hufflepuffs who were shrieking about being finished with their exams. All four boys had to press themselves back against the wall to avoid being run over.

"Remus would have gotten lost among them, they were all taller than him," Sirius teased and Remus punched his arm lightly. Unfortunately Sirius was right, and all the Hufflepuff first years seemed to be around Remus's height or a little taller.

After History the Gryffindor second years were just as excited, and poor McGonagall had to deal with thirteen very giddy students who had a hard time settling down for their test. Even Remus was bubbly, though as soon as McGonagall said to begin he was able to focus on the parchment in front of him.

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