Chapter Ninety-Seven - Just Desserts

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Author's note: not sure how to tag this but... referenced period homophobia? Fear of period homophobia? It's only briefly mentioned, and nothing direct only Remus being worried about something.


Remus stayed angry throughout both of his afternoon classes, getting even more furious when Magpie asked him between the two if it was true he and Lily snogged, which was what Nettle had told her. She seemed rather relieved when he snarled that it was a stupid rumor. He grew so angry about the snogging thing that the wolf threatened to take over; he rushed into the bathroom, taking in deep gulps of air, trying to focus until that cooling snap inside of him. Blood dripped down his lips which he quickly cleaned up. He felt a little better, but not much.

After Transfiguration, he asked Lily if she knew about the rumors and she answered yes, she was aware people were saying it. Inkwood tried to apologize, however Lily wasn't having any of it. The two weren't on speaking terms at the moment.

"She told Spinnet!" he said, knowing how pouty he sounded. "I mean, telling Sirius is one thing but Spinnet?"

"I know," Lily sighed. "I'm really sorry, it's my fault. I wasn't thinking."

"S'not your fault..."

Remus disappeared into his dorm after that, wanting to avoid people. He stewed in bed, angrily reading without absorbing the words until James came into the dorm room.

"Not in the mood," Remus said, not even looking up.

"You will when I tell you my idea," James said, locking the door.

Remus glanced up, brow furrowed. "What idea?"

James ran over, jumping into Remus's bed, one of his knees accidentally slamming into Remus's thigh. "Oops," he laughed, settling into the bed next to him, half against him. "I have a brilliant idea. I want to prank Sirius for what said. Nothing big. But. I was thinking... I think you probably want a little revenge against Inkwood." James snuggled up close, giggles breaking through his attempts to talk.

Remus finally lowered his book. "I'm listening."

"Prank them on their date. With this." He pulled a vial out of his pocket, wriggling it in Remus's face. "Bubble Belches. Was gonna use it on Snivellus but... all things considering, I think tonight is a better opportunity, doncha agree??

Remus took the vial, eyes widening a bit. "Oh. Oh! How would we make sure they get some? There isn't enough to put it in all the food, nor can we put it in only their food from the kitchens."

"No," James agreed. "We'd have to get into the Great Hall to put it in ourselves."

Remus frowned. "How are we going to do that? It'll be very crowded. We can't simply sneak in. Unless we hide up in the rafters beforehand, with your cloak, but that seems awkward as well as highly risky, even for a Marauder plan."

James had a look on his face. A look that said 'very bad idea'.

"What?" Remus asked, and James grinned. "What?!"

"I thought we could go in."

"What, just... walk in?" Remus snorted. "In case you haven't forgotten it's for dates."

That horrible grin. "I know."

Remus shook his head. "I have no intention of asking someone to the dessert so I can put Bubble Belches in Inkwood's dessert, as much as I want revenge."

"That's the thing. We don't really have to involve anyone else," James said.

Remus had a spike of nausea hit him as he imagined walking into the Great Hall as James's date. "I highly doubt that would be acceptable," he said, trying not to let the panic hit his voice. Then part of him wondered what would happen. Besides them both probably getting expelled for being offensive and indecently... err... criminal? Was it a crime? Wizards had been punished in the past... was it still a thing? Of course, he knew it was considered vile and reprehensible. But a crime? Hmm, he wasn't sure. Not that it mattered, of course. It really didn't matter.

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