Chapter Forty-Nine - I Do Solemnly Swear...

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Remus and Peter had nothing to do besides hold their friends' hats and swords. They weren't actively participating in getting this prank underway, as per Remus's idea. They didn't need to distract the house-elves and being present in the kitchens before this babbling prank would be detrimental so they hung out in the entrance hall, watching some older students who must have had Defense since they were doing a treasure hunt too. There were new chests sitting along the edge of the entrance hall, and two students trying to figure out their clue. It was a tough one, though Remus suspected it might be near the teachers' lounge.

"Prewett is super cool," Pete said as they watched the two Hufflepuffs. "I mean, a treasure hunt!"

"Yes," Remus agreed, drawing his feet up onto the bench, wrapping his arms around his legs. "I love our prizes."

"I'm so glad I got teamed with you," Pete said, nudging Remus who smiled back.

Soon they began playing wand-cauldron-book to pass the time until they heard James's whisper to go to the nearest bathroom. They jumped up, hurrying off and then opening the stalls to make sure they were alone. James took the cloak off, him and Sirius hardly able to speak with how much they were trying not to laugh.

"It went completely smooth," Sirius said, taking his hat from Peter. "We got it in several different sauces and gravies, several of the big jugs of pumpkin juice, most the soups, and some of the desserts."

James wrapped the belt and sheath around his waist, rebuckling it. "It's going to be great. I can't wait, can the feast get here now? Why do we have to wait hours?"

Sirius smoothed down his curly mustache. "What shall we do until then? Find some people to jinx?"

"Lets go to Fort Dragon," Remus suggested suddenly.

"Nah, we'd get these costumes too dirty," James said, dismissing the suggestion.

Remus tried not to look too disappointed, nodding in agreement. Maybe the weather would be nice enough to let them go tomorrow morning or afternoon.

They wound up wandering around the corridors—mostly to show off their costumes—with James and Sirius occasionally sending tripping jinxes to various students. They were too eager about the babbling brew to do more than small, quick little 'pranks'. At one point they came across some unopened chests for whatever treasure hunt Prewett was conducting and James and Sirius tried to break into them to no avail. They begged Remus to try, insisting he could, but Remus refused.

"You think I can get past a Defense teacher's defenses?" he demanded. "You're crazy."

"If anyone could it'd be you," James wheedled but Remus shook his head. "Fiiiine."

They had a mock sword fight down one corridor complete with dramatic, over-the-top deaths when one was stabbed. James crashed into a suit of armor sending some pieces of it flying and they quickly ran away before they could get in trouble. Shortly after they crossed paths with some first year Slytherins including Regulus. The other first years sneered at the Gryffindors and walked away but Regulus hesitated until they were out of ear shot, then greeted Sirius, curious about their costumes.

"I've never heard of that," Regulus said when Sirius explained. "Three Muskateers?"

"It's M-Muggle," Remus said.

Regulus looked startled at that, then stared at Sirius as if he had turned into some sort of unknown being. "Mu... ggle?"

Sirius kept his smile plastered on his face. "Yup."

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