Chapter One Hundred-Fifteen - We're Okay, Aren't We?

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Author's note: some blood stuff mentioned, also period accurate homophobic slur referred to.


The final night of the four moon stretch was about the same as any fourth night of a four moon stretch. Remus was exhausted, miserable, in pain, and glad it was over. Thank Merlin it never lasted longer! When Remus returned to the school he was informed he wouldn't be allowed visitors after what happened the day before, but about half an hour before Charms started, Pomfrey allowed Lily in to see him. The No Visitors thing seemed to only be about the Marauders.

They mostly talked about school and the lessons Remus had missed, and she promised she had taken care of Arthur. Not only on the days he needed his medicine; she had visited him on Sunday as well. After twenty minutes—just before she'd have to go in order not to miss class—he asked her about Sirius and Spinnet.

Lily chewed at the end of her braid. "Black punched Spinnet. They got into a big fistfight."

"Do—do you know what started the fight?" he asked, trying to sound casual. "What was said?"

"No, I've no idea," she sighed. "You know them, though. They don't get along at all."

She's telling the truth, he thought after she left. If Lily doesn't know, I don't know if I should ask her... He was worried if he asked her what poof meant she'd want to know why. Maybe he could say he heard it elsewhere? It was—it seemed too much of a risk. If nobody knew what was said during the fight, he preferred to keep it quiet. I'll find out, he thought, determinedly.


Pomfrey didn't allow Remus to go to Charms on Wednesday, though gave him permission to attend his afternoon classes after he ate a hearty lunch and had another rest. His right arm and wrist were pretty injured, and he had bandages wrapped tightly around his forearm. There was a very deep gash making it hurt to move his hand. Thankfully his first class was History which didn't involve any wand-waving; note-taking, yes, but he could borrow Lily's notes. Transfiguration... well, he'd deal with it when he got there.

His friends were very happy when he went into History, though he couldn't help glance at Spinnet who kept his head firmly pointed towards Binns, refusing to look. Struthers was giving him rather anxious looks.

Instead of paying attention to Binns, Remus pulled his little dictionary out of his bag. When he swung by the dorms to get his History and Transfiguration books he had snatched it up, determined for an answer. Unfortunately the only explanation in the dictionary was about things disappearing. Going 'poof!'. That certainly wasn't the problem. Unless Spinnet was saying he wanted Remus to disappear which, while sounding like something he'd say, was most likely not the issue.

I wonder what Spinnet would do if I asked him directly, he pondered, foot jiggling, quill tapping against his desk. It hurt to write notes so he gave up after a few minutes of trying. A tiny part of him wanted to, wanted to look Spinnet in the eyes and have him explain exactly what the insult meant. Ooh, that'd be nice. If it was something really bad it would probably be uncomfortable for Spinnet to explain to Remus's face. However, the thought of doing that also made his insides shivery, and his stomach hurt. It would be nice, but he doubted he could. Some Gryffindor I am.

The other Marauders sent notes back and forth, and eventually Remus sent a note to Sirius asking what poof meant.

I know Spinnet called me that. James and Peter refused to tell me what it means, they said it doesn't matter. It sounds as if you know. I'd like to know. Please?

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