Chapter Thirty-Nine - What?

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Friday morning all four Marauders tried not to bust up into laughter when Snape stumbled into the potions classroom wearing his special loafers. Obviously he hadn't been tripping enough (yet) to make him suspect anything though Remus figured it would come out eventually. He did have a frown on his face though, and James gave Remus a low five under their desk. One prank down, one to go.

Sirius had a jar full of hefklork eggs that he had added the sticking spell to ready to be dumped into Snape's satchel. They just needed a window of opportunity. Unfortunately where Snape was sitting it'd be difficult to really make a good excuse of distracting him... he was just a couple desks over, not behind them so they couldn't just go to the back, pretending to get water.

Remus leaned in to his friends. "I have an idea, it will have to wait until after Slughorn dismisses class though," he whispered.

"Will it work?" James inquired.

Remus shrugged. "I hope so."

They all waited impatiently through class, Remus even more disastrous than usual since he was so edgy. He felt sick at how he would be distracting Snape but... it would be worth it. Finally after what felt like an eternity Slughorn checked over the ingredients, gave out grades, then dismissed class.

Remus bounced to his feet and made his way over to Snape. "A-hem." Snape's gaze flickered up then back down as he swept everything into his satchel. Remus cleared his throat again then when Snape continued to ignore him he said, "Sn-Snape."

"What?" he snarled out, standing up. His satchel was still on the bench next to him.

Remus took in a deep breath. "I w—wanted t-to—to—um, to—"

Snape raised his eyebrows. "Wanted to what? Stutter on incoherently like you usually do?"

"N-no. To, um, ap—pologize," he finally got out, seeing Sirius casually coming over out the corner of his eyes.

"Apologize?!" Snape looked completely taken aback. It was almost worth it just to see that look on his face.

"For, um, what h—happened on M—Monday. With messing up th-the potion," he forced out. He felt beyond nauseated by doing this, even if it was for a good reason. He saw Sirius's arm twitch as he walked by then Sirius kept going, tucking the empty jar into his robes pocket. "I sh-shouldn't have done it."

"No," Snape growled, grabbing his satchel's strap, pulling it up over his shoulder. "You shouldn't have. You shouldn't be allowed in this classroom."

Remus bit back a mean response and just walked off quickly, shame wriggling around inside of him for apologizing over something he shouldn't apologize for... though he knew once Snape discovered the eggs stuck in his satchel it'd be pretty obvious the apology wasn't a real one. Or, he hoped Snape would figure that out. He did not want Snape going around thinking Remus had been all crawly about the incident!

Remus hesitated, tempted to turn around and take his words back but he spotted the other Marauders waiting for him so he hurried over. "I think I might vomit," he said, clutching his stomach.

"I thought I'd vomit just listening to you!" James said.

Peter pressed his hands together. "Remus, I want to say that was the most amazing bit of acting I've ever seen in my entire life."

Remus smiled. "Thank you, that makes me feel a little less disgusted."

"Come on," Sirius said, tugging at James's sleeve. "Let's get away from here before he sticks his grimy hand into his bag!"

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