Chapter Eighty-Six - Happy Birthday Peter

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Remus and Lily both knew what they'd have to do, however James and Sirius were a little taken aback over the fact they needed to clean up the absolute mess the four of them made baking. When Sirius asked a house-elf, she replied they had all been informed by McGonagall under no circumstances may they help clean. It took the four of them quite a while to clean everything up, and the Marauders were getting worried they missed Peter coming back.

They swung by McGonagall's office on the way to the tower, and she informed them that Peter was not back yet. She gave them each a long look—the only one not covered in stuff being Lily and she had a few dabs and smears on her face and apron—before asking if they cleaned.

"Yes, Professor," Lily promised. She was carrying the cake and took the lid off to show her. Professor McGonagall smiled, and told them to have a good afternoon.

"Good," Sirius said as they resumed their journey to the Gryffindor tower, "we have time to decorate the dorm."

Remus wasn't allowed to carry anything which was good since he fell flat on his face trying to get into the common room. James snickered and helped him up.

"Oi, Potter, nice apron!" someone shouted.

James looked down at the pink frilly apron then back up. "Thanks!" he said cheerfully.

At the foot of the boys' staircase Lily hesitated then turned to give James the cake. "Here..."

"You can come up," he said and marched up the stairs. Sirius followed, carrying the biscuits. Lily looked at Remus who shrugged, and the two of them followed. The dorm was a mess like usual, but Lily picked her way across the floor and set the cake on Peter's desk.

"We should probably get showers," Sirius said, picking at some dried icing that was stuck in his hair.

"I already got one today," James grumbled, taking the apron off and tossing it in the laundry bin. "Besides, it'd be weird with Evans here."

"I'm not getting one in the boys' bathroom!" she said, recoiling slightly with a disgusted look on her face.

James rolled his eyes. "I didn't mean you were, I meant you waiting in the dorm. With us... you know... across the hall."

Lily folded her arms, raising an eyebrow. "Naked?" she asked.

James jerked back, obviously embarrassed. "Y—yes, exactly."

"It does feel weird," Sirius agreed.

"You boys afraid I'll come take a peek?" she taunted.

Remus began burning red at the thought. "Of c-c-course not!" he stammered.

Lily looked James up and down. "Don't worry, there is negative temptation for that!"

"What, don't want a peek at Remus?" James teased.

Remus knew he couldn't go even redder. He began choking, doubling over, feeling absolutely horrified at James for saying such a thing! It was bad enough Lily made a joke about all of them in general, but—but James—making it—personal—that—it—

"Jamie-boy, I think you killed Remus," Sirius said, hurrying over to smack Remus's back.

"I'm n—no—I—th—w—I d—w—" was all Remus managed to get out. He felt sick.

"I'd never," Lily promised gently. "Potter, you rat! Look what you did."

"Whoa, sorry, Remy, I was trying to tease Red, not you," James said.

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