Chapter Ninety-Two - Camp Not Yet

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Remus was jerked awake early Saturday morning by Sirius's voice bellowing through the dorm room. He flailed a bit, trying to quickly get out of bed, as he was worried something bad happened, and wound up falling out of bed. He sat up, rubbing his head, and looked over to see Sirius's curtains were no longer merely red but had a crude cat face print all over them. He knew immediately it was James because they barely looked like cats.

Sirius glared as Remus began laughing from the floor, but ignored him for the time being to yank back James's curtains, demanding he get up.

"Bloody hell, Siri, it's like 4 in the morning," James moaned as he sat up, rubbing his eyes.

"It's eight," Sirius grumbled. "I know you did this."

"Did what?" Sirius pointed, and James slid his glasses on, his expression making it very obvious that he had been the one to do it. "Huh, wonder who did that."

Sirius grabbed one of James's pillows and smacked him; his glasses went flying as he finally gave into the laughter. "Wow!" Sirius said sarcastically as James fumbled for his glasses. "Wonder who did that!"

Their voices finally dragged everyone else out of bed. Peter began giggling almost as soon as he poked his head out. Spinnet launched right into complaints, wanting to know why they were being awoken so early.

"Cause James is a twat," Sirius said.

"Yes, we knew this already," yawned Spinnet. "Any particular reason you're waking us up at a miserable hour of the morning to tell us what we all already knew? And why are there hamster faces all over your curtains?"

"They're cat faces!" James snapped, quite indignant. Sirius raised his eyebrows, and James gave a sheepish smile. "Er, heh, at least I'm assuming..."

Sirius gave him another smack of the pillow before stomping over to help Remus to his feet. "Look what you did to poor Remy."

"Right, that was completely me and not you screeching," said James, rolling his eyes then grinning at Peter who was giving him a thumbs up since Sirius wasn't looking.

"Can we go back to bed or are you going to start shouting again?" Struthers asked. "I don't even see the big deal about hamst—uh, I mean, cat faces on your curtains.

Sirius just grunted. "Oh, go back to bed, all of you. I'm getting a shower."

Remus climbed back into bed, beginning to drift off right away except right when Sirius opened the door to leave, James went, "Meow."

Sirius let out a roar and soon he and James were rolling all over the floor, wrestling with one another, James laughing wildly while Sirius swore furiously.


Remus didn't see the other Marauders until well after noon and as soon as he sat down James suggested they sneak into Hogsmeade since it had been a while, pointing out if they left now they could be back before too late in the evening. Sirius and Peter both agreed while Remus shook his head.

James pouted. "Aw, c'mon, Remy! You liked it there."

"I—I don't want to sneak out again," he said, poking at his food. "I only did it for a specific reason, and shan't do it again."

James blew a raspberry. "Come on! You've done it once, what's the big deal with doing it again?"

Remus kept shaking his head. "No. Sorry, but... I can't do it again. It's... I shouldn't have done it in the first place. I feel guilty enough over that as it is."

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