Chapter Forty-Five - Q & A

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Author's note: Hey guys so for a while I've been waffling on making this decision but this morning a reader happened to reach out to me about this very issue and I realized I need to do this. I've been under a lot of stress lately and my mental health isn't doing so great, so I've decided to cut back on chapters for the time being. I will be getting chapters out on Tuesdays and Fridays only. I've been falling behind in a lot of stuff irl and need to cut back on some things. I've actually quit the fanfic competition I was in because of this, but it wasn't quite enough. I feel bad doing this but I know if I don't do something my writing is going to really suffer for it, and I don't want that to happen. As I said, this is temporary for a few weeks while I catch up on things irl and get a bit more rest. I really appreciate all the support, and am looking forward to when I can return to my three-a-week schedule!


Remus kept expecting his friends to bring up the werewolf thing, to ask him questions, to say something; but all day Thursday they just acted normal. Throughout James's practice in the evening he, Sirius, and Peter sat in the bleachers playing a card game while they watched James. Remus prepared himself for whispered questions which never came. Spinnet and Struthers were already in the dorm by the time they returned, and Remus studied for a while before going to bed for a nap before Astronomy. He tossed and turned a lot, wondering why they weren't saying anything. Surely they had questions. Or were they that determined to pretend like everything was the same as before? He wasn't sure which was worse and by the time they went to Astronomy he decided he'd rather they talk to him. Having no idea what they were even thinking made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Remus barely got any sleep that night. He finally went down to the common room to sit in a window and press his face against the cool glass, looking up at the gibbous moon. He had always wished he had someone his own age to talk to about werewolf things. But what would they say if he asked them questions? He could picture their puzzled faces if he tried asking 'do normal humans feel like this?', 'do normal humans do that?'.


It was Sirius. Of course it was.

"You okay?"

Remus kept his forehead against the window. "I dunno," he replied honestly. "It's still... a lot."

Sirius stopped at the bottom of the steps. He was wearing his black silk pajamas and cashmere robe which hung open. Remus wished he could own soft clothing like that. It looked so comfy...

"Want to be alone?"

Remus considered this then shook his head so Sirius came over, sitting on the window seat as well. He looked up at the moon then back down at Remus.

"I am sorry for hurting you."

Remus hunched a little. "You d-didn't mean to," he whispered. "I know that."

"Doesn't change the fact I should apologize. I never expected you to react like you did. I was stupid, I wasn't thinking."

"What else is new?" Remus asked with a slight smile. Sirius grinned back. "Out of curiosity how did you expect me to act?"

Sirius leaned back, tilting his head so he was looking at the curtain rod above them. "I don't know. Upset but not that upset. I figured you'd... take it in stride. You'd deny it but not... like that. Looking back that's really dumb of me."

"I always thought if anyone tried to accuse me I could just... well, take it in stride. Laugh it off." He sighed heavily. "I don't really know why I snapped so badly."

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