Chapter One Hundred-Nine - Happy Birthday Remy!

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Author's Note: Internalized homophobia in this chapter. Also mention of emetophobia in this chapter but it doesn't happen, just a couple brief dialogue lines.


Remus's dreams all night were foggy, hot, and uncomfortable. He woke up multiple times, debating going to get a cold shower; when he awoke at around seven he gave up trying to sleep and despite having a shower the night before, got another one. This one cold, getting rid of all the tingly feelings he didn't want to have. Everyone else was still asleep when he returned, but it was almost seven-thirty so he just got dressed and went first to owlery (Arthur seemed really weak, but otherwise all right) before going to breakfast.

He had his nose stuck in a book, stuffing blood pudding in his mouth when his friends fell into seats around him.

"What're you doing up so early?" James asked.

Remus jumped a little, dropping his fork. "Oh! Er, m—morning. I, uh, didn't sleep well." Then he was worried Sirius might somehow know why, might somehow suspect how flustered Remus had gotten over the hand and the—the close face.

"Too worried about Arthur?" Pete asked.

Thank Merlin. "Yes," he said swiftly. "Oh. Er, James, I—I won't be needing the, um, mon—money."

James slapped the table. "Don't you bloody well back out of—"

"I gave him enough to cover it," Sirius cut James off before he threw a fit. "I know you already bought loads of presents—"

"What?!" Remus demanded.

"—and I didn't have much—"

"That doesn't matter!" he hissed out, but of course Sirius ignored him.

"—so I gave it to him."

"I would have helped too!" Peter protested. "I've got a couple sickles in my—" He stopped, and began going red, "—oh. Oh, yeah, I'm stupid."

Remus gave him a smile. "I appreciate it though, thank you. I really don't need any more money, though. And if I've any change you can have back, of course."

Sirius gave his head a light thump. "It's a present, you don't give presents back. Save it for next time we go into Hogsmeade."

"Which will definitely be on my birthday," James added with a snap of his fingers.

Sirius started to say something else however Lily appeared, looking bright and excited. "Reeeemus!" She flung herself onto the bench between him and Sirius, shoving Sirius aside in order to make room.

"Oi! Watch it, Evans, you could've asked nicely!" Sirius complained as he almost fell off the seat.

"I didn't know you or Potter knew the meaning of asking nicely," she said, then flung her arms around Remus, hugging him tightly right there in front of everyone. "Happy birthday!"

"Ahh—th—thank you!" he squeaked, trying not to blush as he gave her an awkward hug back.

"You're up early..." She settled back, getting a plate. "You lot up to something?"

"Aren't we always?" James joked.

Lily rolled her eyes at him. "Anyway... I know you probably have plans with them most the day, but I was wondering when we could get together?"

"Ooh, er." Remus glanced down at his food, not really sure what the Marauders' plans were. "Perhaps after lunch?"

They both looked at the others—well, James and Sirius—who shrugged, saying they weren't doing much of anything until after supper. So, Remus and Lily agreed to meet in the entrance hall after lunch to spend some time together for his birthday.

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