The Chinese Revolution Was A Great Disney Movie

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I took a sip of water. The cool liquid spilled down my throat. I've been catching my breath and drinking the water because I know this will hurt if I don't, and it still probably will anyway.

I shuffle up the steps and lean up against the door. My breathing becomes heavy with anticipation. I start shaking. If Dave hears me, he will take me home and everything will go back to normal. If he doesn't, John will surely fuck me up for trying to get Daves attention.

He's not all cute glasses and buck teeth.




I can almost hear the faint sound of footsteps somewhere in Johns house. John starts to tap his foot, drowning out the sound that I'm not sure was even real. "Listen Dave, I'm really sorry. I've been such a douche. I'm really sorry about Karkat being missing. Trust me I would... Tell you... If I knew where he was but I. I don't. I would love to help you but I'm actually quite busy because I..."
His voice started to trail off. Something in his eyes was different. He was biting his lip like something was up. Well, something was, Karkat was fucking missing but.... He seemed. I don't know.

My thoughts were interrupted when he started to speak up again.
"Oh haha well anyways, I'm sooo sorry Karkat is missing... You should really get some slee- I should really get some sleep! I mean I'm so so tired. I was up all night- baking! With my dad! Haha he's so silly! He wanted me to bake with him so I thought oh sure why not haha so silly!! Anyways yea yea, thanks for stopping by I really need to go now!!"

He was tripping and stumbling over his words. He started to scratch the back of his head while speaking and he started to sweat as well. He seemed oddly cheery after what I just told him. As he started to close his door, all I could here was "DAVE MOTHERFUCKING STRIDER THIS PSYCHOTIC BUCK TOOTHED FUCK HAS ME TRAPPED IN HIS BASEMENT IT SMELLS LIKE SHIT GET ME OUT" followed by some loud banging.

I instantly put my foot in the door and stopped it. I pushed it with a large amount of force, which also shoved John out of the way.
"Dave I-" I shot him a death glare.
"No more of your lies, John. Just shut it." He looked at me with a hurt face, but I could tell he knew what he had done was wrong in so many ways. He looked down at his feet. I couldn't even bother with him at the moment. I stormed through the house.

I screamed my lungs out. After that, my throat burned like hell. I leaned up against the cold wall and waited. After that, all I heard was stomping. It was coming closer. Either strider wasn't deaf or John was pissed as fuck. I could hear the door knob and lock being messed with. In fear that it was John, I stepped back a bit. I couldn't get myself far enough away from the door before it swung open and a flash of blonde and red jumped out towards me. Next thing I knew, I was being enveloped in Daves warm arms. He squeezed me tight. I could feel my shoulder being dampened by his tears. He was so warm. I hugged him back a bit. He smelled faintly of cheap cologne and apple juice. A smell I've always loved.

Hi bastards. I have updated so get off my not existent dick about it or else I will sacrifice you to our almighty lord, Ochinchin. I hope you're fucking happy because I love you, ya beautiful DaveKat shipper. As you can tell, I haven't updated in many chromosomes. I apologize. Kinda. No I really don't. But yea this chapter is really short. I bet you loved the title. Anyways, a lot of people really wanted an update so here ya go. Sorry for being an ass. If you ever have any questions, you can comment them or message me. Just wanna talk? Message me. I might not get to it straight away because sometimes I don't check WattPad for awhile. Oh, and for the people who say they couldn't imagine John doing something like this, you have to remember that you can't just pay attention to the fact that the fandom portrays him as an innocent little baby. There is more to his character than his cute little glasses and the fact that he's a "nerd".

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