I'm really sorry

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Hey guys. So uh. I can't write this fic anymore. You guys already know I go weeks to months between chapters, and that's because I'm just... Not an writer. I got into it for the first few chapters but it's just really hard to continue with. I'm just not really a good brainstormer. I'm sorry if any of you guys actually enjoyed this, but I won't be continuing. Now I want to say that I really enjoy all your support. I never imagined getting this much attention for my fanfic. I just started it as a fun little project, and now so many people have read it and so many people are leaving their thoughts in the comments. I read every single comment. If you've left a comment, I've read it. I don't respond to all of them, heck, I barely respond to any of them. But I do read them and I do acknowledge them. I'm just.... Really surprised how much... Eh... "Fame" this Fanfiction got. My notifications are always full every time I check them! It really means a lot how you guys have enjoyed it even though the chapters were so short and not very well written. Thank you again. If you want to hear from me, or if you have any questions, shoot me a message. Now, I will not be active on wattpad, but I will be active on other social media. Follow my Instagram where I post every day- Apocalypse_Aradia.
My twitter- DirkIsAStrider
Tumblr- i_just_dirk_that_way
Again, I love you all so much for all of this. I never expected to gain this much attention for one little shitty story. Thank you!!! ^u^

DAVEKAT ~you're mine~ LEMON (boyxboy)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora