Ah fuck. I have no title sorry. So just take 'ah fuck' as a title.

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I woke up to find my shades a skew on my face. I stretched out my arms and laid back. Wait. Something.. Was off. Woah. Hold the phone. HOLD THAT FUCKING PHONE. GRASP IT IN YOUR HANDS TIGHTLY AND JUST STAY THERE. HOLD IT. Where. In the hell. Is Karkat?? I couldn't smell any burning pancakes.... Maybe he was in the bathroom. I got up a little too quickly. "Slow down Dave, everything's fine" I told myself. I seriously have some overprotective issues with Karkat. I walked over to the bathroom door and knocked on it, but the door just went open before I could knock again. Karkat wasn't there.

I ran through that house like fucking sonic the hedgehog on crack. I searched every room, heck, I even searched the fucking CABINETS. I couldn't find him anywhere. My heart was beating. Where the fuck is he? He couldn't have just left without waking me up and telling me at least... That's when I spotted a rag on the ground. I picked it up. It smelled... Oh my god.

I grabbed my keys and hopped in my car as fast as I could, and drove my ass down the street. I didn't know where I was headed, everything was hazy. I couldn't think straight. Dammit! Why the fuck would someone ... Why didn't i wake up and stop this from happening??!?! I pulled over and sat back in my seat. "Ah fuck." I breathed as I looked through my phones contacts. I needed to call someone. Anyone who might know where Karkat could be.

AUTHORS: I honestly don't have much to say. Do you guys think the story is rushed? Sorry if it is :( but I'm not a grade A writer. But the only reason I rush sometimes is because this isn't going to be a normal story where there is a climax and ending n shit. It's probably gonna be like a story about Dave and Karkats life together. Basically just them doing stuffs if that makes sense. Even though it probably doesn't. Okay. Sorry if my author notes are long, I just wanna tell you guys what's up so you're not left in the blue with thousands of questions.

DAVEKAT ~you're mine~ LEMON (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now