John eggfuck.

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DAVES POV (AUTHOR: warning, short chapter. All my chapters are short, but this one is a bit shorter. I just kinda need to move things along. Don't worry! I won't end the story this soon. But I just need to get through this part. I will probably end it somewhat soon though.. Unless you guys really enjoy this story :P okay I'll stop talking. But always read these. 70% of the time they are important.)

As I flipped through my contacts, I came to one I thought about for a moment... John. Maybe... John did hang out with Karkat for a while. Usually when me and Karkat hung out John tagged along. He always seemed uncomfortable when I told him I was hanging out with Karkat. He always asked me in the most casual way why I never hung out with him all that often anymore.

He is my best friend, I guess hanging out with Karkat has really taken up most of my time. Anyways, I decided not to call him. I'd drive to his house instead.


Hey. Yea. Um... I just tried to get this one out quick .-.

DAVEKAT ~you're mine~ LEMON (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now