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Dave and karkat had gone back to karkats house, and they were in a heated match of minecraft Super smash mobs. (( I love super smash mobs :3 )) "MOTHER FUCKING CHICKEN!!!" Karkat yelled. "AH HA YES!!!" Dave yelled back after hitting karkat off the edge of the pvp map. "Chicken wins again!" Dave threw his fist up in the air in victory. "FUCK YOU! YOU CHEATED!!" Karkat screamed. "I didn't cheat! I won! Hahaha!" Karkat started flipping his shit and fell out of the chair and onto the floor. Dave was so preoccupied with doing his victory dance, he tripped over karkat landing on top of him. Karkat looked up at dave and blushed. Dave only laughed and rolled off of him. "Well, Its getting pretty late. Mind if I stay over?" Dave asked karkat. Karkat was still dazed after being practically squished by dave that his words snapped him out of it. "Oh. Uh. Yea sure whatever." Karkat replied. "Cool beans."

Dave got off the floor and jumped into karkats bed, closing the window next to it. Dave pulled off his shirt, next taking off his shades to reveal his deep red irises. "You coming to bed or what?" Dave asked blushing at karkat. Dave sure is acting weird.. Karkat thought to himself. Karkat slid into bed almost instantly falling asleep. He wasn't one for staying up late. Dave turned off the light and layer next to karkat. He leaned over to karkat lightly kissing him on he forehead. "Goodnight karkat." Dave turned and fell asleep. "Goodnight dave." Karkat whispered in the dark.

ERMAGURD. I'm truly sorry these chapters are so short but I'm having trouble making them long. But trust me, i will update a lot so that it doesn't matter how short they are. But if you really want me to make them longer, please tell me! Derpy out~💜💜💜

DAVEKAT ~you're mine~ LEMON (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now