Chapter 8: The First Step

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I'm alive everyone! So sorry, I had a major writer block and I was just moping around...waiting to find some ideas. Thank you for still supporting me! I really appreciate it! Guess what, I'm gonna write a My Hero Academia fanfiction.... I know, I really should finish the others but I have to write it so wait for that soon. Also, I'm hoping to publish another chapter of Shadow Heart by next week! Thank you readers I love you so much!

Disclaimer: I do not own anything except storyline and Namaiki

Chapter 8: First Step



Small hands wiped the tears away as the small girl cried in silence. Her hair, ragged and oily, clung to her face as she ran from the laboratory. Kyoya had helped her escape but was captured just moments before the door. She had wanted to run back and grabbed his hand but he screamed at her to go and shoved her out of the door. Men with lab coats knocked him out with a gun to the chest and looked at her. Blood everywhere as it flowed from the boy's chest and it only spread as the men threw the boy onto the ground. His blood quickly stained the rain. Knees shook violently at the scene before her before she ran.

Sorry! She cried as fast as she could with the Kyoya pained face replying in her mind.

I couldn't save you!

Feeling powerless but knew she couldn't do anything since her power didn't work in the faculty unless she was in the lab or close to the gate as the magnetic powder mixed with a strange mist surrounding the faculty restricted her power, she continued to run.

Sorry. She skidded to a rough stop in front of the gate, chest tight from the run.

"Don't let her get away!" She turned around. Yukki Kami, her doctor cried as other men came closer to her.

The little girl's breath hitched as she thrust her hand up, trying to find some energy to summon her power.

"Girl, don't you dare" Yukki growled, he was not only a few feet away from her now.


"AGH!" A large purples force field shot from the girl's body, knocking the doctors onto their knees. For the first time, the girl stood with her chin out and a look of determination settled on her.

I will escape.

All the men stiffen as they felt her in their mind

"Where will you go?" Yukki narrowed his eyes, slightly surprised that she dared to defy him. "Don't you know that you're a monster? In the real world, everyone will fear you and nobody will help you." His eyes lit up as the girl flinched at his words. She looked to the ground, the scientist on the floor pushed themselves up and pulled out a tranquilizer gun and aimed it at her but not firing as they looked to Yukki for permission. He shook his head and they lowered it.

Silence accepts the plip plop of the rain. Suddenly, another blast came from the girl.

It does not matter

Anywhere else is better than here

The girl disappeared with a poof. Everyone stared at the empty spot, a sick feeling began to rise as they knew they were in trouble. All except Yuki Kami, who smirked.

"Captain, what are we gonna tell-"

"Tell him there's a few setbacks but the plan is still on course." Yukki lifted his eyes and stared at the rain, relishing the slight sting of rain in his eyes.

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