Chapter 1: Name Part 1

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To Damian and mute girl

Chapter 1:Name part 1

Men in white

Around me


Looking at me

With disappointment

Thick and suffocating

Surrounding me

One man in white with a clipboard

A number was written on it.

JSR 8965420


He came closer to me and knelt down to my height

With a cold face

He said

"She's no good"

A dream

Something that human does when they are in a slumber. Strange, I do not like dreams.

Knock Knock

She shot up from her bed, now that she was fully awake and thinking clearly. WHERE was she was? She was in a strange room that she did not recognize. Where was the ill-tempered boy she met last night? He did not seem pleasant, but he did not seem cruel either. Perhaps he had more evil than good, but she sure he was nice the moment she saw him.

"Miss, I am coming in," a soft British voice asked the startled girl on the bed.

A man with soft white hair wearing dark impeccable suit came in, he had a gentle aura around him. Something that told the girl that he wasn't going to hurt her.

He looked at her with overflowing kindness and gave her a gentle smile that caused her to tilt her head in confusion.

"Pleasure miss, I am Alfred. The Wayne's butler," he told her, she nodded in understanding but didn't say a single word.

"May I have your name," Alfred asked when she didn't say anything.


Something human referred themself as

What is my name?

The girl raised her hand and traced in the air the symbol JSR 8965420, and pointed at herself.

Alfred stared at her for a moment in confusion before a look of realization came upon him, she didn't have a name, only numbers, and letters, and that she was unable to speak.

"Well, I do not think that name suit someone such as yourself. We shall have to find you a name that suits you," he told her as he went over to the closet and grabbed her outfit for the day.

A name that suits me?

But do I not already have a name?

How does one have a name that suits them?

Are names not given instead of chosen?

"Now, I shall leave you for you to prepare yourself for the day unless you need help," he informed her.

She shook her head quickly. He gave her a final gentle smile as he let himself out of the room and proceed to provide the info that he had gathered to his masters.

The Wayne's family butler made his way to the diner table, where Bruce Wayne and his son Damian Wayne sat dining on their breakfast and reading the daily newspaper. Both paused their sip of coffee when they heard him walking towards them.

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