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Hi! Everyone, I decided to write another story. I hope you will like this

To Damian and the mute girl. (Her name will be revealed later.)

Disclaimer: I do not own anything.


Gotham City 11:41 PM

Gotham City is a shifty cat. Robin noted with amusement as he swiftly jumps from roof to roof with ease. His quick eyes scanned the city with diligence as he makes sure that everything was running smoothly in his city. After all, day time in Gotham was relatively safe enough save for a few foolish dimwits who are dumb enough to attempt crimes in broad daylight. Night Time, however, was a different story with criminals from the small gangs to the mastermind of Joker, it was like a hot zone for criminals to be. Every corner you turn, there is someone unexpected with a gun at your face.

He gave a small grunt of satisfaction as he saw that nothing seemed out of place in his radar. It was pleasant to not having to slay some loathsome villains, to see that Gotham was safe...well, at least for a bit. When you are a hero, fighting every day can be tedious, and dull.

After leaping through Gotham city and sensing no villain anywhere, Robin gave a small smirk of triumph. Guess villains were at least smart enough to know not to mess with Dark Knight's son.

"Guess it is time to summon father," just as Robin was about to summon the Dark Knight, a cry of pain reached to his ears and he froze. That voice that reached to him was not the voice of a victim but was the voice of a villain, though not a particularly strong one, it seems.

"Perhaps I should have kept my mouth shut," Robin disappeared in a flash and he was running towards the villain. When he got there, he saw a picture that he did not see every day.

A petite girl with the pure silver hair that spilled around her like water surrounding all around her. She sat in the middle of men that were clearly knocked out.

"How did, that is not possible. She can not possibly possess the strength to defeat that many scums. But then, how did something like this occur." Robin walked silently toward the strange girl when she sensed that someone else was also here. She turned around, looked straight him causing him to freeze in his track. Her eyes were colors of blue and purple splashed together, giving her the look of mystic and exotic.

She stood up and walked toward him with a noticeable sway in her steps. Robin could do nothing except watch her walking ever closer to him as if there was a force that refuses to let him move, only letting him watch. Just as she reached him she tripped and fell, before Robin could think, his arms were around her, supporting her.

She looked him with a childish questioning expression as if asking why in the world he would help her. He looked at her with a small glare. He really wishes he could just push her off, but there was something about her that he really just doesn't understand.

"Do get rid of that ridiculous look," Robin demanded as she only continues to look at him with the same expression. She slowly brought her hands and gently pat his check as Robin continued to glare at her. They stayed in that position for what seems like an eternity.

The mystic girl broke the spell that surrounded them when she opens her mouth and mouth hungry, then she fell, Robin quickly caught the girl and swept her up. He stared at her face for a moment, she looked like a little fairy that he caught, a wish that could grant any wish he wants.

"Who are you, and what have you done to me," Robin then clicked his com and informed the person on the other side.

"Batman, I have picked up a rather strange girl."

And that is it!...yes, I know this shorter than my other chapters. Originally this chapter was supposed to much longer, it was going to be over 5,000 words long. But then I thought, you know what, none of my stories has any prologue, and this story is going to have one. And that became this short prologue. I really hope that you enjoy this. I put a lot of thought into this one because this one is a little different from my other stories. And let me tell it was not easy to right because you know...It's DAMIAN, his intelligent skill is on another level. Making a story with his attitude was not that easy since he is like the opposite of me, literally. He's dark and I'm like the sun, totally polar opposite. It was hard trying to match his language phrase, cause you know, he's really old fashioned. Anyway(man, I love the word anyway!) I should probably stop talking because I'm just going to go on and on.

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