Chapter 3:Name Part 3

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Chapter 3: Name part 3

Gotham night

Why must you cause more problems for us, Robin or better known; Damian looked across his city like every patrol he had gone on, except on this one, he was finding someone that didn't the beating of their lifetime.

Maybe she did, for making everyone fuss around her like this, Robin narrowed his eyes as he stared his city.


The night sky dusted with stars surrounded Robin as he leaped off the roof of buildings and continue to search for the missing girl.

When I find you, you gonna you regret making all this fuss. You wrench!


Where do I go?








Where can I be

Where I can

Live in peace!

Her hands grabbed her hair as she sank down to the messy alleyway. Short rapid breath escapes her mouth as she squeezes her eyes shut with small trails of tears on her face.

This place

Where I met him

I thought I could trust him

But he rejected me

Who can I trust

Dirt and grime covered her dress as she continues to cry silently as the world continues to ignore her. Soon as if the world had finally heard her, rain pour down rapidly on her sharing their tears with her.

Help, her little mouth formed as she and the world cried together.


"Robin," the voice called from Robin's intercom.

"Batman," he answered back as he was drenched with rain, something he had not expected as he had checked the weather and it had clearly had said there was no chance of rain. So where had it come from?

"Let's head back, with this weather, we won't be able to find her today. We'll try again tomorrow."

Robin's eyes narrowed against at the rain, thunder cracks throughout Gotham.


Gotham was buzzing with life as morning came with people walking, running and driving in cars. So busy they never saw a girl with silver hair walking passed them. She would walk in a straight line, only moving forward and never looked anywhere except at her foot.

Should I use it?

The girl raised her hand and looked at it before her stomach achs in hunger reminding she hadn't eaten since the day before.


I don't have enough energy.

With that, she kept walking forward to everywhere and nowhere.

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