Chapter 6: Debut part 1

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Here it is the sixth chapter. I really hope you enjoy this. Remember I love opinions or suggestions for this story if you want to give some.

Also, up there are just some of the batman we all know and love. Which Batman is your favorite? if you like the one of the Batman up there, then click vote!

Chapter 6: Debut part 1

During the breakfast for the Wayne family, all was silent save for the clinks of silverware and the sounds of drinking glasses being lifted up and set down. At the lavish table sat Bruce, Damian, Dick, Namaiki, and even Tim, who still sported dark bags around his eyes, though they were a bit lighter than before. Every now and then, Dick would glance over at Namaiki, remembering their encounter from last night, but exactly sure how to approach her. Damian seeing this, felt something spiteful twist within him, and he didn't like it. He placed his fork down harshly onto his plate, causing everyone to pause and turn towards him.

"Don't you have plenty of girls who are willing to yield under your gaze," Damian asked, staring at Dick, who only blinked, not quite understanding what Damian had meant. The others turn towards Dick, giving him a slight questioning look while wondering what exactly had he done to get Damian so worked up.

"What are you talking about?" Dick asked, looking truly confused. He tried to remember exactly what he had done in the last 24 hours that may have caused this, but came up empty-handed.

Damian narrowed his eyes, "what I mean is why do you keep moving your gaze to the stupid girl? She's not much of an interest, so why." Dick blinked at this along with the others before smiling internally.

Ah... You're jealous. No need to be so harsh though.

"Ah, nothing. Just remembering the things we talked about last night before we went to bed," Namaiki stiffened at this, hands slightly shaking at his words. Damian's eyes widened a bit as he looked back and forth between the two, wondering what exactly had they talked about last night. He had sent her off to bed like usual and this never happened; she always stayed in her room until morning, so what changed last night?

Bruce and Tim both continued to eat as they watched the drama unfold. Though he had an announcement to make, Bruce figured it could wait until after this little battle

"What exactly did you say that caused you to keep shifting your attention to her so many times, Grayson?" Damian asked. Dick merely shrugged, "Nothing much, just some stuff about you. You know how mean you are, how bloodthirsty you are, how you are such an old fashioned person... You know, just stuff." Namaiki, hearing this, sighed in relief and smiled at her plate.

Damian continued to stare at Dick before also returning to eating, "If you're gonna lie, you might as well not tell me at all. But do know, once I find out exactly what you two talked about last night, I'm afraid there might just be one bird less left in this nest," Damian said calmly. The threat was clear as Bruce and Tim sigh at him, knowing no matter how long he's been here, this ruthless part of him may never change. Namaiki, on the other hand, looked quite worried for Dick's life as she turned to him with a frightened look. Dick, however, only winked at her and mouthed he's lying. Namaiki sighed in relief, seeing Dick's relaxed demeanor calmed her down. Besides, deep down in her heart, she knew Damian would never truly hurt his brother no matter how unpredictable he may be.

Clap! Bruce smiled as all eyes focused on him.

"Not that you've had your little fight all sorted out, I have something important to tell you." Bruce linked his hand together and smiled at his children before him. This went on for almost 10 seconds before Damian slammed his hand onto the table, clearly annoyed that he had got their attention yet hadn't said anything. Bruce, however, was unfazed by his actions as the rest of the family-saved Namaiki, who jumped a little.

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