Chapter 9: Meet again

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Hello! I cannot apologize enough for this long wait update. Life has been crazy and I was struggling to get ideas for this chapter. But after seeing some of you guys review, I finally push myself to write this chapter for yall! To be fair, I did forget some parts of the story and I had to review it so I had everything flows well! Thank you so much for supporting me and I love you guys!

Chapter 9

Jin Serie Reacher Center

By: Matthew Burken

June 23, 20XX

Jin Serie Reacher Center is a Japanese research company that is known for its participation in the world of medicine. Since their establishment in 20XX, they have been involved in finding cures for diseases such as the flu, HIV, and cancer among many other diseases. To them, finding the cures for humanity starts at the cells. They have spent decades learning how to alternate the cells of children to prevent illness as they age.

However, despite their potential in their research, they have yet to present much proof of their findings, leading to many doubting their actual ability. Many are also questioning how they're able to alternate the cells of children without children. Some even wonder if they had been kidnapping children for research after one particular new headline of a child going missing. The company has come forward in the scandal, claiming they have "in no shape or way are taking children for their research as [they are using] monkeys for their research" as monkeys have the closest genetics to humans. To prove their innocence, Jin Serie Research Center has allowed many to view their center. Many news reporters and researchers have gone to the research center and found nothing suspicious, which led to the debunking of the scandal.

As of now, the research center has grown in branches and now has bases around the world. The main branch is located in Japan. The smaller branches are plotted all over the world with some located in China, Australia, the United States, France, South Korea and France. 

The big question now that everyone has on their mind as the company grows without much apparent success.

Just what are they researching?

Is it ethical?

If it is, then why do so few people know of them and their actual research?

"Hmmm," Damian glared at his screen. After his father had informed him of the finding about his... accuqutience's origin, he immediately began to research as much as he could. To both of their surprise or perhaps, not to their surprise, they couldn't find much about the company besides the basic information about them. Then again, usually, companies with unethical research are often hidden from the world.

"As much as they claim not to use children for research, it seems quite the opposite," Damian scoffed, glancing at his father, who nodded.

"With what we have seen in Namiki, it's no surprise they want to stay hidden," Bruce pinched the bridge of his nose.

"And it doesn't seem like they just research on finding cures for disease."

Remembering her strange power and her mystic eyes, Damian nodded.

"So it seems," his eyes narrowed and glowed as they reflected the screen's light.

Bruce sighed and placed his hands on his son's back. It was quite weird seeing his son care about anyone besides his family. Not that it was a bad thing. His son had faced many tribulations and survived though not without its scars. It was a good thing something could still make him happy.

Even he had to admit, the girl had wormed her way to his heart.

He always had a soft spot for orphans.

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