Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Rains Begin

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Humidity made it hard to breathe as I ran with all my might. High above, clouds rolled, flashing every so often. They marked the beginning of the rainy season. The river would flow deep then, too deep to cross in most parts. Mhor's land would be cut off from my father's for several moons. If I hid on his land...

No, war was coming. I had to fight.

Lightning lit up overhead as I sprinted across the shallow river. I didn't head toward Mhor's encampment however, instead, I followed the strange bitter scent.

The wind picked up, making the spattering of wilted and brittle trees bend and sway. Animals scurried to take refuge from the impending downpour. Large drops hit my skin as I continued southward, well beyond Mhor's camp and far from my father's land.

The scent grew strong right before the skies opened. The downpour blocked the smell, but instead, the sounds of many male lions gave me the trail I needed to follow. But now, I became cautious. Too many male lions catching me would be exceedingly dangerous.

Nearing a small hill, I climbed to the top, sensing I drew close. I crawled to the edge. Below, what appeared to be fifteen male lions mulled around. Three carcasses lay in the middle--a wildebeest, a young elephant, and a buffalo. A few lions chewed on the bones, and a few groomed to remove the blood from eating. To one side, I saw the remaining Barg twin standing with an older male, similar in age to my father.

I dared to creep closer. In the long grass and low shrub, and with darkness, as long as I kept quiet, I would be undetected. The rain obliterated any scent.

"...Our former land," the twin said. "This was our southern border. I can smell the murderer everywhere. He has claimed the area for himself. He mocks us."

"And you are certain that brief waft of a dissipated heat was hers?" the older lion asked.

"I am." The twin shut his eyes. "Oh, it is incredible fresh and up close. She is the finest of females."

"As the daughter of Krosh and Flit, I don't doubt it." The older man stroked the hair on his chin. "Krosh is strong, even now. He will protect her."

"It's not him we need vanquish." The twin's voice grew harsh. "It's the young one, the one who killed my brother--your son."

"Krosh will come to his daughter." The older man rested his hands on his hips. "Oh, I would love to get my hands on Flit. A finer female I have yet to see."

"Her daughter," the twin muttered.

The older male nodded. "I will take Flit and you will take the daughter." He gestured to the other males. "My sons are here to fight for the honor of their brother. But we cannot just rush in."

"Which is why I have devised a plan." The twin moved closer. "I know this territory well. We will lure out the male, Mhor, and kill him first. While he has been led away, others will go in and take his females. If we are quick, Krosh won't know his daughter has been taken until it is too late."

"Krosh will come after us."

"Yes, I thought of that too." He motioned northward. "The rainy season has begun, and a river divides his territory with this one. He will cross, but be unable to return. With him cornered, we can strike. With all your sons present, we can easily overpower him and his four sons. I would even dare to say you could kill him to claim Flit."

"Hmm." A flash of lightning showed the older man smirking. "Flit would be a magnificent prize."

"We should act once the storm subsides." The twin glanced northward. "Mhor will pay for what he did to my brother."

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