Chapter Eight - Justice

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With our land secured, I wandered without restraint, like I usually did. This made visiting Mhor easy, and I'd slip into his cave whenever possible. I'd never felt more complete, more deeply happy than when we were together. We mated, talked, bonded. He even shared his kills with me, showing me his complete devotion. Males always took the meat for themselves, and only shared once they'd finished their fill.

"You need to be strong to bear me young," he'd say.

"I am already well fed," I'd always answer.

He'd smile and softly kiss my neck while I ate.

One evening in the orange glow of twilight, my brothers entered the camp; Fennir and Keenan. The females gathered their young, hiding them in the huts. Hektos hurried up beside me, while Mother and Father came out to meet them.

Keenan stopped outside the camp's perimeter, while Fennir entered. He bowed to Father, to show he bore no aggression. Father nodded, allowing my brother freedom to speak.

Fennir straightened, glancing toward me and Hektos, then looked to Father. "We believe we have found the male you seek, Father."

He motioned for Kennan to come forward.

Kennan tugged on a rope, and a young male stumbled out from the grass. As they approached, the male hunched, beaten, bruised, and bloodied. My brothers had punished him severely for trespassing.

Fennir motioned at the male as they stopped a few feet away. "I believe this is Omi, son of Reesh."

Father stood taller, puffing out his chest. "Bring out Yunya."

Yunya's mother stepped from her hut, gently pulling Yunya behind her.

Father wrapped his arm around Yunya's shoulders, holding her close. "Is this the one?"

Yunya looked up, then broke into sobs. With her hands over her face, she nodded.

The male, Omi, fell to his knees. "Please, Great Krosh, I was not in my right mind. The heat drove me to madness."

Keenan kicked him in the ribs. "You killed her after the heat subsided."

Omi hung his head.

Father motioned to Yunya's mother to take Yunya back to the hut. As they rushed away, Fathe turned to Mother, Hoektos, and me. "Flit, take Zora, but leave Hektos with me. It's time he learns the code."

Keenan tugged Omi to his feet. Mother grasped my shoulder, leading me to the hut.

"Mother," I said once inside. "Father will kill him, won't he?"

"It's the law." Mother sat cross legged to work on mending a dress. "He killed your father's offspring on your father's land. It's a direct challenge, so your father will have to follow through."

"So he will allow Omi to defend himself?"

Mother gave a nod. "Your father alone will easily overpower him, but with your brothers there too..." She let out a long sigh. "Fennir and Keenan will only watch, but I believe your father will have Hektos fight with him."

"But Hektos is still young."

"Hektos will soon be old enough to go out on his own. He must learn how to fight so he can defend himself and his future pride."

I chewed my lip. I didn't want Hektos to be hurt, or worse, killed. Did Father do this with my other brothers? I hadn't paid attention. It didn't matter then. Suddenly I felt acutely aware of the adult world and my ignorance of it.

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