Chapter Two - First Heat

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The courtyard, a dusty area enclosed by the huts of our family, lay empty. Normally the family played and worked there, but now only my father stood by the fire pit. His gaze moved across the edges of our camp, darting occasionally from place to place. As we approached, he said quietly, "Four have come; the twins and two single males. If you are ready, I will call them in."

I shook my head.

He raised an eyebrow. "You do not have to mate right away. This will give you a chance to see your choices."

I chewed my lip, but nodded.

He held my wrist and called, "Come forth!"

The twins appeared first, moving in synchronization side by side. I pressed against my father, and he squeezed my wrist. Next, a skinny young male appeared. My father examined him. "Are you a son of Voch?"

"Yes," he replied.


The male hesitated. "Great, magnificent—"


The male turned and sauntered off.

Finally the last male appeared; the male from the waterhole. His eyes met mine as he stood tall and strong. The twins growled at him as he stopped beside them, spear in hand.

"Who are you?" Father asked. "I am not familiar with your family markings."

"Mhor, son of Cal."

"Cal?" Father's eyebrows shot up. "You have travelled many miles."

"I heard of great families with strong daughters in this region, and my father told me of you."

"Cal is great." Father examined him slowly.

I, too, examined him. A handsome male, with chiseled features, thick hair, and a broad chest, heat rose within me at the prospect of become his mate.

"We are proven providers for your daughters," one of the twins said. "And after Paner's alpha died, he needs a new one."

"How did she die?" Father asked.

"Crocodile while drinking."

Father frowned. "That's regrettable. But, she was a daughter of Voch." He wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"She will be my alpha and first," Mhor interrupted. "I have not seen a more impressive female in my travels. She is strong, and I saw her hunt with cunning and skill. I would be honored to have her lead my family at my side."

Father looked down at me, then back at the three males. "Step out."

The males hurried in opposite directions out of the camp.

Father turned me to face him. "You don't have to pick one of them, but tell me, would one suit you?"

I took a deep breath. "Not the twins. They frighten me."

He nodded, pursing his lips.

"But Mhor, he is a possibility."

He brushed his fingers though my hair. "We will wait another day and see what comes. I must weigh my choices and decide what would be best for you."

"I understand."

He kissed my head, then motioned for me to return to the hut.

Mother lay beside me, looking into my eyes. She stroked my hair. "How are you feeling?"

"Tired." I closed my eyes.

"That's to be expected. Rest. I will stay to watch over you." She stroked my hair, lulling me into sleep.

On and off I slept, waking to the sounds of fighting. Its ferocity made me tremble, and my mother did all she could to sooth me.

Night came, and my hormones piqued. I awoke in a sweat, groaning as my genitals quivered. "Mother, what's happening?"

"Hush." She coaxed me to lay back. "This is normal. Your body will cry for a mate until its needs are fulfilled."

Moaning, I rubbed my genitals over my clothing. The wetness seeped through. "Mother... Mother..."

"Shh. Everything will be fine."

She pressed a cool rag over my cheek, and slowly, I dozed off.

A hand on my leg woke me. Daylight forced itself into the room, giving it a dim light. The hand ran up my thigh and touched me. I pulled back, opening my eyes to see my brother, Hektos. He had a glazed look in his eyes as he inhaled deeply.

"What's wrong?" I asked in a hushed voice.

He grabbed my legs, pulling me toward him. "I need..."

Father burst into the hut and wrenched him away. Hektos wailed, as if in agony, as Father wrestled him from the hut. Several females met him and dragged Hektos away.

Father knelt beside me. He appeared to be holding his breath as a wild look flashed in his eyes. "We can't wait any longer. Your scent is strong and brought in twelve males during the night." His hand rested on my leg, but he pulled back sharply. "The musk drives us mad, even your brother..." He shook his head. "Six males remain. Come out and see which ones you prefer."

He shot out of the hut, and Mother appeared. Standing seemed unusually hard. My legs buckled under my weight.

"Lean on me," she said gently.

She practically carried me out and we stood in the courtyard. Father circled the fire pit, avoiding looking at me directly. "Come forth!"

Six males came forward, including the twins and Mhor. I stared at Mhor, my body screaming for him. How did he suddenly look so incredible, so desirable? My loins quivered, and the six males all turned their attention to me, sniffing the air.

"Whoever I chose," Father said in a booming voice. "Will mate with my daughter under my conditions, understood?"

"Yes sir," they sang out in unison, their eyes never leaving me.

He looked to Mother, and she nodded. She led me back to the hut. She laid me back on the bed and Father entered. Mother turned to him. "She has chosen."


"The son of Cal, I believe."

He nodded, rubbing his neck. "Thank goodness it wasn't the twins."

Arguing broke out in the courtyard and Father rushed out, chasing the males from the camp.

Mother knelt beside me. "Sleep."

I shut my eyes, and immediately sleep came.

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