Chapter Fifteen - Witch Doctor

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Father allowed Mhor to stay in the camp that night. When I arose in the morning, I found Mhor asleep by the door of our hut. Touched by his devotion, I woke him with a kiss. He smiled wistfully as he gazed up at me with heavy eyes.

Four large bodies circled me, as hand grabbed my arms. Mhor leaned back as my brothers dragged me away. I smiled and waved to him, except Ferrin snatched my wave away. Thelmos wrapped his arm around my shoulders as he and my brothers led me from the camp. We rarely had time together anymore, and since they'd all have to return home soon, I didn't protest.

In an empty field all four of my brothers wrestled in the long grass. Thelmos, as usual, won, but to everyone's surprise, Hektos tested him, and almost beat him. Once their competition ended, they all pounced on me. I growled playfully as I tried to squirm free.

Fennir grasped my hips, forcing me to the ground as Hektos caught my shoulder, biting down gently. I submitted, laying on my back as they climbed on me, nuzzling with me as we all purred. We hadn't had bonding time like this for many dry seasons, and I loved it.

Hektos nuzzled against my shoulder as he laid beside me. Fennir and Keenan curled up with their heads on my belly, and Thelmos sat watch while stroking my hair.

"So you have a mate," Thelmos said, looking into my eyes. "Tell us about the son of Cal."

"You've talked and fought with him," I replied, stroking his knee.

"Yes, and I see he is strong and noble." He shuffled onto his belly, nuzzling against my cheek. "But how is he with you?"

"Kind," I whispered as he rested his head on my shoulder. "Gentle, affectionate. He listens to me, and protects me. He was devastated by my abduction."

"He was the one who found you," Fennir said. "He said he heard you calling, and picked up your scent. He paced around that clearing the whole time they had you, waiting for the moment to break you free and reclaim you."

I smiled as I closed my eyes to see Mhor's face. "It would be hard to find a better mate than him."

"We're pretty amazing," Hektos said, shuffling closer, and earning a growl from Keenan when he kicked him.

"But we can't mate with her," Fennir said, pushing up onto his elbows. "She's our sister. It's not right. So she has to settle for someone of a lower standard."

My jolt to hit him made our other brothers pull him onto the ground. We laughed as we laid entwined together on the grass.

"As long as he's good to you," Thelmos said once the laughing died down. "We'll always be here if you need us. If he hurts you once--"

"We'll kill him," Hektos said fiercely.

I had no doubt they would, but I said, "He never would. He cares about me, and will take care of our pride with gentleness. He will be a devout protector, but won't ever use his strength to hurt me."

Soon, my older brothers left to return to their prides and Hektos and I walked back together.

When we reached the encampment, Mhor sat a few paces outside the perimeter, chewing on a bone. He grinned as he stood to great us.

"What are you doing out here?" Hektos asked.

Mhor tilted his head toward the camp. "One of the females went into heat. I left before I could be driven out."

"Juniper," I said, glancing toward the camp.

Hektos pointed his thumb toward the smaller retired encampment nearby. "We'll be safe there."

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