Chapter Seventeen - Mother's Beta

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My time of bleeding came and everyone was relieved the baboon got it right. Like the last time I bled, Sapine went on heat. Hektos grabbed my arm and pulled me away as Father rushed in to her.

Hektos and I walked across the plains. Soon they'd be filled with the migrating herds when the waters swelled. But for now, giraffes and rhinos dotted the area. Not good food, but we had enough storage, along with the smaller prey available, to get us by until the river rose.

"It's getting harder," Hektos said.

"What is?" I asked.

"Resisting the heats." He rubbed his nose. "They just smell so good. Father will run me out soon because he will notice my struggle."

I wrapped my arm through his, frightened by the prospect of losing him. He wouldn't go far, but it wouldn't be the same, just like our other brothers. "Be strong, Hektos."

"I am." He stopped to meet my gaze. "But Sapine and Juniper in particular, Father's breeding females, drive me mad, ravenous. I can't take much more of it."

I gazed up at him, seeing the torture in his eyes. He fought every moment within himself when they each came on heat. Poor Hektos. I kissed his cheek and wrapped my arms around him. "You are strong, and you do the right thing by walking away. I'm so proud of you."

He grinned, then knocked me over to wrestle me. His strength surprised me, so he beat me over and over, even when he gave me the advantage. When he pinned me down, biting at my shoulder, he suddenly tensed. He released me, staring fixedly through the grass.

"What is it?" I asked.


I peeked through the grass to see a group of adolescent and young cubs. We didn't move as we watched them pass by and stop at the creek. The youngest ones stayed close to their older brothers, while the older sisters scanned the area.

"There's been an overthrow," I whispered. "Can you tell which pride?"

He sniffed the air, his eyes glazing over. "That smell."

I inhaled, picking up the sweet musk of an early heat. "Hektos, don't approach them. There are three males all about your age."

"It's her." He tilted his head, licking his lips. "Oh, she's beautiful."

"Hektos." I clung to his arm, trying to pull him away. "We can't take them ourselves."

"She's mine." He tugged free and darted into the grass.

"Hektos!" I scrambled after him.

As he approached, he let out a roar. The group looked around and took flight. In the confusion, they didn't take time to notice he wasn't a full-grown male, so ran to hide. I ran after him as he followed the young female on heat, isolating her from the others.

He chased her into a thicket. Unable to see, I could only hear the sounds of her resisting his advances. She hissed at him as they fought, then it all ended abruptly.

I pushed through, keeping my distance when I saw her lying on the ground while he paced nearby.

"I am a son of Krosh," he said gently. "I will give you a strong bloodline."

"You look too young to mate," she said with a low growl. "I am too young."

"You are on heat." He edged closer, earning him a warning swipe. "Be my first. If you like me, I'll make you my alpha. You're very beautiful."

Her nostrils flared as she stared up at him. "What is your name?"

"Hektos." He knelt beside her, crawling closer.

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