The Do's and Don'ts of Time Travel

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You, Niall, and Gizmo are inside of the house getting materials that you would need to travel time and space. You brought a first-aid kit, water, and some phone chargers so you could (hopefully) call Gizmo for assistance. Niall decided to bring some food, flashlights and extra t-shirts that he had in his car. After finding what you need, Gizmo sat you both down in the living room to go over the do's and don'ts of time travel.

"Okay," Gizmo was walking back and forth between you and Niall. "The first thing that you never do in time travel is if you encounter your past self, do not speak to them. You can look at them but just don't interact with them. You will ruin time and space and I don't know how to fix that. If they find you and start talking to you, leave immediately and don't look at them. Just walk away and get into the time machine and go to another time period." Niall raised his hand. "Yes Niall?"
"What is they're in trouble? Let's say my past self is dangling from a cliff, am I allowed to save my own ass or no?"
"Well, what if (Y/N)'s past self is dangling from a cliff, am I allowed to save her ass?"
"Actually, yes. The only way you are allowed to save (Y/N)'s past self is if she cannot see you and your past self at the same time. If she sees both of you, it will ruin time and space plus it will make the general public freak out. Which ever comes first."
You then raise your hand, "Yes (y/n)"?
"So the ground rules are that I can't talk to my past self, but I can look at them. I cannot save my past self, but I can interact with Niall's past self if he doesn't see my present and past self. Lastly, if I do find my past self trying to interact with my present self, I just go into the Time Machine and leave without making any contact".
Gizmo shrugs his shoulders. "Honestly, yea. If you break any of these rules, I don't know what's going to happen to your present selves. I also don't know what's going to happen to time and space itself so I would follow the rules if I were you two," Gizmo warns.
You and Niall look at each other and you start to wonder if you should really go on this endeavor after all, but you must save your friends. You stand up and head to the other room. "(Y/N), where ya goin'?" Niall asks as he starts to follow you.
"To go change, I can't save the world in this!" As you went to close the door behind you, you turned back to Niall. "Unless you want a continuation of what was going on earlier, I wouldn't suggest coming in," you said with a wink. Niall was about to go in there, he was ready to risk it all. He believed that his friends can wait about 30 more minutes to rescue them, they're strong boys! Niall started to walk in your direction to the room you went into when Gizmo grabbed him by the shoulder.
"Niall, don't go in there." Gizmo also gave Niall a 'if you go in there I will hate you forever' look. "Gizmo, why do ya have to ruin everything for me? Goddammit," Niall replied, sulking his shoulders.
You came out with a white tank top and (f/c) sweatpants. They're easy to move in and you didn't mind if they got dirty. You were also wearing (f/c) sneakers too. You walked up to the two boys and said, "Let's rock and roll, boys."

ik this chapter sucks don't come 4 me k bye besties.

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