Chapter 5: Concerts or Dates?

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After your little scare with Gizmo's "time machine", you and Lani decieded to go to the mall and buy some clothes. Everybody knows that when you go to a concert you never wear the clothes that you bring, you wear the extra clothes that you don't need but buy anyways. You both went into JCpenny's and here's what you both got:

- a pair of fishnets
- a pair of slightly oversized mom jeans
- a black and orange tube top
- a couple of black and orange hair clips
- one black sock and one orange sock
- black docs

"Why did you get so much black and orange? This isn't like you," you scrunched up your nose as if she was a foreign smell. "Their theme is black and orange, you know? Also my parents said that there are more colors than the color pink and that I need to get different colors before I create an unhealthy obsession." she cocked her head to the side and spoke very quickly but also seriously. "Your parents always find a way to scare the shit out of me, I swear."

- a pair of mom jean shorts
- some temporary 1D tattoos for you and Lani
- a one direction crop top (spagetti strapped)
- an orange belt
- a pair of flias
- orange socks
- a pair of black scrunchies

You knew this was very different from your normal style, but if Gizmo was right... this outfit could get you a date with Niall. What would your date with Niall be like? Would it be romantic? Would it be casual? Would it be over-the-top? You kept thinking about your life with Niall when Lani tugged your arm towards Sephora. You didn't really like makeup, but it's for the concert.


Later on that night it was about 7:29p.m. and the two of you had to be at the gates by 8:40p.m. Not too hard, right? Well, think again because by the time you two left, it was 8:35p.m. and it was a good 20 minute drive to the arena they were performing in. You both loked cute, though. "Ugghhh how are we always late!?" Lani groaned. She hates being late, but yet she always is. "I knew we should've gotten up earlier," she hastily taps her foot on the floor of the passenger seat of the rental car you both bought "Lani it'll be fine! I bet they'll let us in!" you tried to clear her head because you knew she was freaking out over being late. It was 8:55p.m. when you two arrived at the arena and you tried to negotiate with the guards and even showed them your pass, but they wouldn't budge. "Sir, I have our backstage passes on me right here! Why won't you just let us go on in into the show if you know that these aren't fake!" you practically shouted at this man because you were so angry! "I'm sorry, miss, but you got here really late and it's the rules that we can't let you in. Have a good rest of your night." he softly smiled in guilt. You could tell that he wanted to let you in, but he couldn't. You two were about to give up and you turned to walk away when you hear someone in the distance behind you talking to the guard. "Why aren't they inside?" you hear the other security guard rumble and then the voice behind you says, "Nonsense! Let them in! That's why I gave them backstage passes, silly!" you heard a giggle and quickly turn around to see Niall waiting for you two to come inside. "Hey Niall!" Lani says and run towards him, "That guy out there wouldn't let us in!" you hear lani say. You finally walk over to Niall and thank him for helping you two inside. "It really isn't a problem, any good friend of Lou's is a good friend of mine. So if you two ever need help, you just call me or any of the boys. Let me give you my number." he winked at you right after he said that. You blushed while taking out your phone, putting in his information, taking a picture of him, and saving it. He does the same thing with his phone and leads you into the backstage of the arena. "Hopefully we aren't too late," Lani said "I would hate it to miss the entire show,". "Oh no, we've sung a couple of songs, and we also did a quick Q&A but now we're taking a little break. Also, Liam wants to see you, Lani" Niall says pointing his hand into the back room. I wonder why he needs her? I was too focused on Niall's beauty to care. His jawline more chiseled that the statues that the Greek Gods made themselves, hair as blonde as the sand when it accidentally gets into your hair, eyes so blue you were definetly sure that you saw some wildlife in there. He's just so perfect and you hope what Gizmo said was true. "So y/n,"
"Yes Niall"
"What do you like to do?" "For fun?"
"Well I like to f/a" (f/a = favorite activity).
"Damn! That's impressive. I wish I could do that!"
"It's not that hard, I could teach you sometime!" you smile and stare into his lucious blue eyes
"By the way y/n, do you wanna hang out sometime?"
"Like hangout hangout?"
"Yea like a date but not a date, a friendly date!"
"Yea I'll definetly be down!"
"Okay we'll plan it after the concert. The fans are waiting for me!"
The boys ran back to their spots as the platform started to raise up to reveal the boys you used to adore. Now one of them is asking to go out with you. While you are watching them perform backstage, you daydream about what your date with Niall is going to be like once more.

Hey guys! I know that this is suuupperr late, but I decided that I am going to sacrifice my sleep for this. After the first three days of next week, I'm out of school and i have no friends so lets turn up on finishing story chapters! But yea i hope you like this because i typed this while i am tired to please like it! Also give me some character names and descriptions if you or your character creation want to be in the story ;). Right now i'm just looking for a girl and two boys. Thanks!! <3

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