Chapter 3: Plane Ride

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When you guys got to the airport, Lani put your bags through the line thingy, (I've never been on an airplane, sorry!) and you two went to take your seats when  Lani starts tapping your arm, to you, it means she sees something good. "What is it Lani?" You ask.
"O-o-o-o-one DIRECTION IS COMING THIS WAY TOWARD US OMG!!!!!!" She screamed. "Quit lying to meeeeeeee" you say but after a few seconds, you saw them, One Direction heading you guy's way. Then you see a familiar face of one of the guys who's checking out your best friend.
"LOOOOOUUUUUUIIIIIIISSSSSS!"  thirteen year old you says. "Yea y/n?" He replies. Usually, he would reply the exact same way but put bear or carrot at the end of your name, you knew something was wrong. "Whats wrong Lou?" You ask. "Nothing, y/n" he said, he started to cry. He wasn't your best friend yet, but, you hated to see him cry. "Is it those boys teasing you cause your friends with a girl?"
"Yes and no"
"What's the no part then? I wanna know to help you Louis."
"There's something I want to tell you, I'm gay and they're making fun of me for it."
You burst down the door to the library, you went up to the guy who was messing with him and you told him," If you ever mess with Louis ever again, I swear I will turn you inside out!" You yelled. You never yell, you just tell the teacher, and you've never threaten anybody. You and Louis became best friends, he even gave you a charm bracelet before he moved back to britan. "Louis?"
"Yea y/n?"
"What's your last name, you never told me."
"Tomlinson, you?"
End of flashback
"Loooooooouuuuuuuuiiiiiiiissssss!" You say.
"Yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy/nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!" He says back. "LOU-BEAR!" you yell as you get to hug him. "Y/N CARROT!" He says back and hugs you. Then he whispers," who's your cute friend over there?"
"That's Lani, my girl bff. LANI!"
"Yea, what?" She says
"You already know Louis, we're best friends and he wanted to meet you." I say. "Cool! I'm lani."
"Nice to meet you, love." Louis says with a smirk, yep, he likes her and she doesn't even notice.. "She is such an idiot sometimes." You say to yourself.

Then you see the rest of the boys. You turn to Louis and ask him, " I thought you were gay, remember?" "No, I got over that guy, he was an ass." "Oh." you say and went to the bench and sat down again, you were about to daydream when you felt someone sit beside you.

It was the one and only

Niall Horan....

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