thank u

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sooooo i know y'all were expecting the concert chapter but ya girl is finna write it either tonight if she's got the energy, or Sunday bc i have choir and cheer tomorrow...
buhhhhhhtttttt i just wanna say thank u sooooo much for all of the love & support I've gotten on this story! this story has a special place in my heart because it wasn't supposed to be anything major, just a past time thing. But then once it got past 1k reads... I knew this was the real deal and that there was no turning back. People actually love this story and people still message me TO THIS DAY telling me how much they've loved this story and how I must update more often. I will honestly try my very VERY BEST to update WEEKLY. Ya girl is a busy woman though so if I miss a few then my apologies...
I was reading someone's story and saw that they searched up their book on google generally, so i did too. I don't just have the TOP spot when you search up my book, I have the top TWO SPOTS WHEN YOU SEARCH IT UP!!!
at first I was like, "well uh, Lani... maybe it's because you have the app on ur ipad & ur logged in ofc ur gonna see it pop up."
So then I searched it up on my phone...

thatismeON THE TOP TWO SPOTS LIIIKKKEEEEEEEEyes ik "that search is waaaayyyy tooo specific"and i can agree, i know my accomplishment isn't a big one, but i am still soooo thankful for it

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yes ik
"that search is waaaayyyy tooo specific"
and i can agree, i know my accomplishment isn't a big one, but i am still soooo thankful for it.
thank u for sticking with me for the long process of the book :)

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