a lovely little outing

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After the concert, you told Niall that you would be back at home around the time he wanted to go out. "Don't worry, I'll just meet ya there!"
"Are you sure? That's kind of a big commitment ya know," he reaches for both of your hands and holds them up to his chest, "trust me love, it's fine. I'll just take my break wherever you are," you blush, nodding.
You wake up blushing. "Did that really happen to me? Did Niall really hold my hands and tell me that he's going on a date with me? Naaahhhh," you go back to sleep. A couple of minutes later you hear your phone go off and see a text from Niall.
Niall: heyy (y/n)! I was wondering if it would be okay if I pick you up at 7 tonight?
It was real after all. You panic for a second, not knowing what to do. You answer him two minutes later with this:
Y/N: oh yea totally that sounds great! i'll see u then! :)
Niall: see ya babe ;)
You sit up in your bed freaking out about what you were going to wear, how much makeup you would have to wear, and how you were supposed to act on a date. You haven't been on a date since sixth grade when "Creepy Crawly Charlie" asked you out and your mom had to "supervise" the date. "Wow, I haven't had a boyfriend since Triple C," you say while staring at the cream colored walls. "I really don't have a love life now do I?" you get out of bed and then look at the time, "it's only three, I'll just take a nap until 6 and get ready and boom be done," you get back into bed and go to sleep.
Now it's 6:55pm and you have just gotten up. Your spit covered pillow and rat's nest looking hair all gave clues to how much you overslept. You woke up to the buzzing of your phone and sit up while rubbing your still crust-filled eyes.
Niall: hey (y/n) i'm almost there! i hope you're ready ;).
You read the text still in your (f/c) pajamas and rush out of bed and run into the bathroom for a record time of 2 minutes and 12 seconds to get clean & brush your teeth. Then you ran back into your room for the hard part: getting dressed. You were only in a pair of spandex and your black bra from Aeropostale. You are so deep in your closet trying to find a dress that would look good on you, until you heard a knock on the door. You went over and opened it because you assumed that it was Lani. "Oh hey (y/n)! Are you..oh shit. Oh shit oh shit oh shit I'm sorry I didn't know that you were, uh, changing I'll wait in the living area sorry!" it was actually Niall. You didn't mind him seeing you actually, it's just spandex and a bra, who cares? After he spit out the quickest apology you've ever heard, his face turned red and he rushed back into the living area. You shrug your shoulders and go back into your closet. After a couple more minutes you find a tight fitting (red/pink/maroon) dress that complimented your curves perfectly. You also managed to find some shoes to match. You quickly (but carefully) did your makeup. You grabbed your purse and headed into the living area where Niall was still sitting on the couch as red as a tomato. "Niall? Are you alright?"
"No (y/n) I'm not alright! I just practically saw you naked and we haven't even gone out yet!" You blush at his words, maybe Gizmo was right. Maybe this date will go to plan.
You both get out of Niall's car to go inside of the restaurant. It was a bit fancier than you planned, but who cares? The interior was a deep red or as you like to call it, the "sexy red". There wasn't a wait because Niall had called in earlier. Both of you were taken to the VIP section of the restaurant in the back to avoid fans, paparazzi, or anyone else that didn't need to know about you guy's date. You both sat down in a velvet booth across from one another. The waiter asked for what drinks you both wanted. Niall got a Samuel Adam's Summer Ale while you got (favorite drink). Niall put his hands on the table and you both sat in an awkward silence for a few seconds.

"I haven't been on a date in a while," said Niall. His hands were slightly shaking, probably because of nerves. "That's okay," you reassured, "I haven't been on a date since the sixth grade when a really weird kid named Charlie asked me out. He gave me worms as a substitute for flowers because his mom told him to not dig up her flowers." Niall looked at you shocked. "Are you joking?"

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