Chapter 3: My friend

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When I left my last class of the day and started heading towards my locker, I was surprised to see a figure standing there, looking down at his phone. I smiled, walking up to my friend.

My friend. I like how that sounds.

"Hi." I said to Dan, watching as he noticed my presence and immediately scrambled in his bag to pull out his red notebook and a pen. "How did you know which locker was mine?" I asked as I opened it, stowing my books inside.

Dan didn't reply, seemingly finding his shoes of greater interest.

Then I realised.

"It's because of that, isn't it?" I said, pointing towards the word FAGGOT that was etched onto my locker door.

He nodded, still looking at the floor. "Well, that and I assumed that what happened earlier was near your locker." Dan wrote, flashing it to me, "Sorry." He added.

"It's okay. You used your initiative."

"Can I walk home with you?" Dan scribbled in his notebook.

"Sure!" I said. At lunch, it came up that Dan and I only live a couple of streets away from each other, so we agreed to walk home together.

I shut my locker and fell into pace beside Dan as we made our way out the front doors of the school and down the pavement.

We walked in silence for the majority of the 25 minute walk, as Dan found it difficult to write and walk at the same time. But we were both content just being in each other's company.

It's nice not to be lonely.

"We could walk to school together as well." I said when we arrived outside my house.
Dan smiled, writing in his notebook: "I'd like that. Shall I knock for you at 8?"
"Yeah. I'll see you tomorrow, then." I said, turning away. However, before I could leave, Dan wrapped his arms around me again. I melted into the hug, finding it comforting to have protective arms clutching me again. All too soon, Dan pulled away and ran off up the road, waving as he went.

I unlocked my front door, not at all surprised to find a note taped to the banister. It read:

I am working late again tonight. I have left a portion of lasagne in the fridge for you to have for dinner. Make sure you go to bed at a reasonable time.

I sighed. Home alone. Again. After a while, the funny feeling of freedom wears off.

I took the stairs two at a time and barged through my bedroom door, dumping my bag in the doorway and collapsing on my bed. I plugged my headphones in and found contentment in having Muse blast into my ears. After a few minutes, I sat up and retrieved my bag from the other side of the room. I took out my sketchbook and examined the picture I drew earlier that day.

All of a sudden, an overwhelming feeling of disgust towards the picture washed over me. It was awful. The way I had drawn Dan's nose too big; the way I had made myself too skinny; the way I had made one eye bigger than the other on both figures.

I ripped the page out of my book, tore it to pieces and chucked it in the bin. This is what I get for pretending I have talents. I shoved my sketchbook right to the bottom of my bag, out of sight.

I pulled out my phone and typed a message to Dan.

To: Dan
From: Phil

Hi. I'm really bored.

A few minutes later my phone buzzed, alerting me of a new message.

To: Phil
From: Dan

Hello! Me too.

We swapped text messages for ages, discussing small things like Fall Out Boy's new album or our favourite video games. It didn't occur to me how long I had been lying on my bed, barely moving, phone mere inches from my face, until I realised that my bedroom was pitch black and it was almost midnight.

To: Dan
From: Phil

Wow! Just realised what time it is. Should probably go to sleep soon cos we got school in the morning :(

To: Phil
From: Dan

Wow youre right! I dont want to go to sleep though. Id much rather talk to you. But night anyway! :)

To: Dan
From: Phil

Id much rather talk to you too but mr reck's classes are boring enough as it is without only having a few hours sleep!

To: Phil
From: Dan

Yeah youre right. Night then. C u tomorrow!

To: Dan
From: Phil

Night! :)

I turned my phone off, plugging it into the charger and pulled my uniform off. I didn't bother to put pyjamas on and just crawled under the covers in my underwear.

Dan's face planted on the inside if my eyelids, I think it's safe to say I went to sleep with a smile painted on my face.


Wow, an update? I'm sorry it took so long but I've been helping organising an event at school for World Book Week so I've been quite busy preparing for that so I haven't had a lot of time to sit down and write. But we've got an update now.

Also, I accidentally uploaded only half of this chapter because my stupid Wattpad app didn't save it (but luckily I had the whole chapter saved in my notes) so sorry for that.

Anyway, thank you so much to everyone that reads, votes and comments (yes, that includes you) because it makes me feel really happy that this is getting so much positive feedback 'cos this is only my first fanfic and it makes me want to write more and more and more.
This phanfic has got over a hundred reads now and that is crazy to me, considering this is my first fic, and we're only in chapter 3. Argh! Asdfghjkl.

Just thank you all so much. And ilyasfm!

I'm gonna stop babbling now.

Stay special, my snowflakes!


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