Chapter 9: Help?

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When I wrenched my eyes open once more, I found myself lying on the bed in the nurse's office. I could still feel the pain racing through my bones and muscles, but dulled slightly. I turned my head ninety degrees to the right to see a woman, perhaps in her late 20s to early 30s, sitting at a desk, typing something on a computer.

I tried to sit up, and as I did, winced with the pain beating through my body. At the sound, the nurse's head snapped around and no sooner had I started stretching than she was by my side, pushing me down into the bed and saying, "Oh, good. You're awake. Don't try and move, now."

She then moved to the door, opened it and beckoned someone inside. The deputy head, Mrs Green, strode through the door: a rather strict woman in her mid-fourties. My heart jumped into my throat, pounding as she came ever closer.

What was she gonna do? Was she going to tell me off? Put me in detention? Expel me? But for what?

She sat down in the chair next to me and her face softened as she looked up into my eyes.

"Philip, what happened?" she asked, kindly. My face screwed up in confusion as my brain whirred, trying to decipher the question. Then it clicked.
"V-Vince and his f-friends. T-they beat me up." I stuttered in response.
"Which friends?" she asked calmly.
"A-Alex and David a-and James." I replied.
"Do you know why?" The entire scene replayed in my head as I slowly shook my head.
"And has this happened before?"
I nodded.
"A-almost every day s-since I started here."
"Right. Well this sounds like a serious case of bullying. I will inform the headmaster of this and we'll have to hear the other boys' sides of the story. And, of course, your parents must hear about this." Mrs Green said as she stood up, "Get well soon, Philip." She then turned and left the room.

As the door closed behind the deputy head, the nurse returned to my side. "How are you feeling, Philip?"
"I'm okay." I replied.
"How much does it hurt when you try and move?" She asked another question.
I shifted around and attempted to sit up before replying, "It hurts a bit but I think I'm okay."
"Do you want to try and stand up?" She was starting to sound bored.
I nodded, swinging my legs over the side of the bed. I winced slightly as the dulled pain stabbed at my side. I pushed myself up and, after swaying for a few seconds, head pounding and multiple colours dancing in front of my eyes, I regained my balance and steadied myself.
"Where does it hurt?" the nurse asked again.
I motioned to the pain in my right side.
"Hmm, probably a broken rib or two. But it'll heal itself in its own time. Until then, all I can recommend is painkillers." She opened a drawer in her desk and pulled out a bottle of ibuprofen double strength and handed them over. "You're free to leave." She said before returning to her desk where she resumed typing on her computer.

I knelt down, picked up my bag from where it was discarded on the floor and shrugged on my blazer. I slipped the pills into my pocket and made my way across the small room and towards the door, before pulling it open and exiting the room. I checked the time on my phone as I stumbled down the abandoned school corridors.

7 new messages

I unlocked my phone and opened up messages. They were all from Dan.

Thank you for saving me before. I don't know what I would have done without you. I hope you're okay xx

Hey, are you walking home today? xx

Phil, are you okay? You're not answering xxx

Are you ignoring me?

You're annoyed at me, aren't you? You hate me because I got you in trouble with Vince. I'm so so sorry, Philly. I really hope you're okay and you answer me soon xxxxxxx

I'm getting worried now, Philly! xxxxx

Phil!? Please tell me you're okay xxxx

When I finished reading through all the messages, I looked up, and through my tear-filled eyes, I saw that my own feet had taken me half the way home without being instructed to.

I decided not to worry Dan by telling him the truth, so I replied to his texts, telling him my phone was on silent so I didn't hear my phone go off earlier and that I was fine. After sending the message, I closed my phone and, sighing, finished the rest of the walk home (which took over twice as long as usual due to my injured state).

When I got home I unlocked the front door and went straight up to my room, collapsing on my bed and wincing in the process due to my landing on my side slightly. As I stared up at the ceiling, tears begun to collect in my eyes as I thought over the events of the previous few hours.

The scenes replayed in my head: Dan being tormented by Vince, desperation and helplessness leaking through his eyes, me tackling Vince to the ground to retrieve Dan's notebook, being beaten within an inch of my life, waking up in the nurse's office, the conversation with the deputy head. I sighed, closing my eyes. It's safe to say that I felt absolutely exhausted that day. Physically, mentally and emotionally drained of all the energy I had left. I was 110% done with life.


A/N: Phew! Bit of an eventful chapter. I don't really like the ending of this chapter but I was trying to find a pausing point so that something a bit interesting will happen at the start of the next chapter.

Btw sorry this chapter took so long to put up but, like I said in the Author's Note at the end of the last chapter (if anyone actually reads them) I have been quite busy lately.

Anyway, I'm gonna get on with writing the next chappy now.

Stay sparkly, my unicorns


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