Chapter 15

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"Shit, we're going to be late to third period!" I exclaimed when I glanced at my watch some time later. I shook Dan a little, unsure if he was even awake and he groggily lifted his head from my lap, where it had been resting for quite some time.

We quickly gathered our belongings together and made our way back across the sports field, stealing one more glance at the patch of trees before disappearing into the busy corridors of the school. Swept up by the crowd I didn't get a chance to say goodbye to Dan, only a wave and a smile, before heading towards my third period class: Art. 

I slipped into the classroom just as the bell rang, but no sooner was I in my seat than a knock at the classroom door signalled my leaving again. "Philip Lester to the Principal's office, please." Shit.

My heart thumped in my chest, threatening to break free and flop onto the carpeted floor below me. Why did the principal wish to see me, I thought. But my question was answered almost as soon as I arrived at the office, as I could see a familiar silhouette through the frosted glass door. I knocked and entered the room, in which the principal, Mrs Elber was sitting at her desk, elbows resting on the surface and fingers knitted together. My mother was there too, perched on one of the plastic chairs facing the desk, sitting upright and wearing a pressed suit.

"Ah, good afternoon, Philip," Mrs Elber said in a sickly sweet voice as I entered the office, "please do sit down. We'd like to discuss a few issues."

I sank into the other chair in the room and looked over at the principal. "Now Philip, I hear you've been the victim of some bullying. I'd like to put a stop to that. Bullying will not be tolerated in this school."

Well, it's been tolerated for the last 4 years but sure let's do something now, I thought. But I had more sense than to say it aloud.

"Who are these bullies?" the principal asked. I listed the names and described how they'd beaten me up almost every day since year 8.

"Do you know why they target you? Why they treat you like this?" Mrs Elber enquired. The word faggot floated through my mind, it being spat and hissed at me every day. Every day since I was 12. Every day since...

"No idea," I replied, "they just seem to have it out for me."

My mother had remained silent throughout this discussion, a disgusted expression growing more and more prominent on her face as the conversation progressed.

"Thank you, Philip. This will be dealt with." the principal said to me after I'd told her everything I could. She then turned to my mother, "Mrs Lester, are you aware that Philip has been skipping classes recently?"

My mother looked up at Mrs Elber, slightly shocked, then looked at me sternly, "Really Philly?" I cringed at the nickname.

"His attendance for this school year is 82%. It's dropped particularly in the last week or so." she turned her attention back to me, "Philip can you explain this?"

I could. I could explain this by saying that the bullying has got so bad I've been unconscious for hours at a time after a beating, being forced to skip classes. But this could also be explained by the younger boy with the soft brown eyes and no voice.

I shook my head to rid my mind of the image of Dan, but Mrs Elber mistook this for the answer to her question, "Really, Philip, not even an excuse?"

"I'm very disappointed Philly."

"If Philip's attendance doesn't improve, I'm afraid I won't be able to enter him for his GCSEs this year." Mrs Elber explained gravely, then turned to me, "Philip you must get your attendance above 90% by the end of the month if you wish to not resit the year."

I nodded and we were dismissed. Once outside the office, my mother started fussing over me, telling me I must be good and keep my head down and go to lessons and do my homework and oh my stars have you got a black eye? And then she muttered something about a meeting with a lawyer and she dashed off. Right, the divorce.

I went back to my classroom, although there was only half an hour of the lesson left, and I wished more than anything to skip and go back to the trees. But I promised my mother and Mrs Elber that I would get my attendance up. So I went back to class with my tail between my legs and vowed to be a good boy.


Meh, I don't really like this chapter but I think it needed to happen. It's basically just a filler. But I've got some great ideas for the next few chapters so stay tuned!!

B. out


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2019 ⏰

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