Chapter 8: "Speak up!"

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I made my way back to my bedroom feeling deflated. Why, Phil? Why did you have to cross the line again? Why do you have to be such a nosy twat sometimes? You may have just chased away the only friend you've had since primary school. Is that what you want? To be alone, friendless all over again?

I started to argue with the voice. It didn't know me.

I didn't ask Dan that question to be nosy. I asked him that because I am worried about him. Something extremely significant must have happened to make him decide to stop talking. And okay, I'm a little curious but more than anything I'm worried about him.

When I got back to my room I picked my phone up from where it had been discarded on my bed and opened up Dan's contact. I was about to press the call button when I remembered: Dan doesn't talk. Instead I clicked the message button.

To: Dan

From: Phil

I'm really sorry about what happened. You must think I'm a nosy prick now and I don't blame you. But to be completely honest with you, I'm concerned. I'm worried about you. So tell me the truth, are you okay?

I sent the text, heart racing, terrified Dan would think I was prying. A minute or two later, my phone buzzed.

To: Phil

From: Dan

It's okay. I don't think you're nosy. And I appreciate that you are concerned about me, but there's nothing to be concerned about. But please, when I'm ready for you to know the truth, I will tell you. So please, stop asking.

I read the text through several times. Relieved that he forgave me but feeling defeated either way. Oh, well. I have to respect his privacy.


The next day when I left the house to go to school I was pleasantly surprised to see Dan standing on the corner of my drive. Before I even had a chance to open my mouth to say something, he had shoved a note in my face.

'Before you start apologising again for what happened yesterday, I just wanted to say (or rather write) that I completely understand your curiosity. I don't blame you at all. The reason I left in such a hurry was because I was scared. I was scared you would carry on prying and I'm just not ready to share all my secrets.'

I read the note through thoroughly before replying. "I understand that completely. I wish I hadn't asked now. So we're okay?" I said hopefully.

Dan nodded and smiled. We headed off in the direction of school, as always in silence, but that comfortable silence.


At lunch I escaped the classroom first as usual, once again desperate to avoid Vince, James, David and Alex. However it wasn't me who should have been trying to avoid them. When I got towards the lockers, I was shocked to hear those oh-too-familiar laughs and yells coming from behind me.

I turned, only to find Dan having his arms pinned behind his back by James and Alex, while David was rifling through his school bag. Vince was standing, laughing as he held Dan's red notebook.
"What's this then, Howell? Your diary?" He jeered.
Dan shook his head vigorously, pulling and fighting against his restraints, but to no avail. Tears started to fall down his cheeks.
"No? Well let's have a little look at what it is then, shall we."
And with that, Vince opened the book, fanning himself with the pages before landing on a page and reading:
"Lick my shoe?" his face screwed up in confusion as he read a dare from our game yesterday. "What kind if weirdo are you, Howell?"
Dan had now taken to stamping on James and Alex's feet to try and get them to let go of him, while all four of them laughed.
Vince continued his torture. He cupped his ear as if trying to hear something quiet, "What's that, Howell? You'd like your little book back? Well you'll have to ask for it then. Nicely."
Dan's eyes widened with shock and fear at what he was being asked to do.
The bully waited a few seconds and after receiving no reply from the helpless boy being restrained in front of him he added, "Come on, Howell. Speak up!"

All the way through this ordeal, I stood rooted to the spot with a mixture of shock, hatred and pure disgust pounding through my veins. But at these words I immediately sprung into action. I charged at Vince, rugby tackling him and grabbing the notebook that he had dropped in shock and surprise. As James and Alex let go of Dan to come 'deal' with me I threw the book to Dan and yelled at him to run. He shook his head, tears rushing down his face as if two waterfalls had erupted from his eyeballs. I pleaded, begging him to go while I struggled in the mess of arms and legs and fists and feet. After seeing the desperation in my eyes, Dan grabbed his discarded bag and ran down the corridor.

I got my worst beating yet that day. They carried on and on and on. Past the sound of the bell. They only stopped when Alex yelled that a teacher was heading that way. Vince sent one more kick to my ribs before heading off, laughing and jeering at my pain and suffering.

The last thing I remember seeing before I blacked out was a pair of pointy toed high heels walking towards me. Then I fell into unconsciousness due to the pain stabbing at my limp body.


A/N: There you go. Another chapter. And thank you all so much for 2k reads. LOVEOO!

Also, I don't know how much I'll be able to update in the next month or so because exam season is upon us once more and I'm also going away on a few scout camps at weekends so I'm going to have 0 free time. But my exams will be over by the end of June (hopefully) so I'll get back to kind of regular updates then.

Anyways I'll see y'all soon!

Stay magical, my unicorns


Everything Will Be Okay (Phan)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ