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I'm so so sorry I haven't been updating but I really don't think this phanfic is very good. I like the storyline I've come up with but I hate how I'm telling the story. I'm a crappy writer who never has enough time to write enough in order to meet the deadlines I keep setting myself. I think I should just delete this fic (maybe I can write it in my spare time and correct it and when I'm happy with it, I can upload it all at once) but I dunno.

Do you guys like this story? 'Cos if so, I'll carry it on (but I'll only update when I feel like it and I won't stress myself to upload a new chapter cos I'm already under a lot of stress from school so anything added is not good) but if you guys aren't crazy about it then I'll just get rid of this fic and try and write a better one.

Please give me your honest opinions and if this gets a lot of positive response then I will update the next chapter today or tomorrow cos I have one sitting around.

Everything Will Be Okay (Phan)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora